Has religion changed you into the shadow of the man you once were?

2011-09-22 3:21 am

Dr. Bob: Hopefully, you'll unlikely ever be faced with that test.


NISSI: ...and might I say we're probably all the better for your conversion, love.


Meds: It, obviously, takes more time for some of us? I'm still spiritually satisfied wearing my middle school short pants and Buster Brown's.

回答 (12)

2011-09-22 3:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
How did you know?
Before I found God, I never wore pink dresses.

Well, I never accessorized.
2011-09-22 10:22 am
Quite the opposite, mate, quite the opposite.
參考: atheist.
2011-09-22 10:28 am
Dr. Bob: started out or ended up? LOL

Does a "real" xian say "kick butt" I wonder....
2011-09-22 10:23 am
It murdered me for thirty years.
2011-09-22 10:24 am
Yeah it did. In fact that man I could have been is still waiting to emerge.
2011-09-22 10:24 am

I started out as a self-centered, judgmental, arrogant jackass. It changed me to a person who wants to serve others, to help those in need, and to make a difference in the lives of young people.

But I can still probably kick your butt, if necessary.


I hope not too, Ike. I don't wanna fight anyone.
2011-09-22 10:23 am
Quite contrary. I have subdued my 'shadow' and found a new level of deeper confidence and peace of mind.
2011-09-22 10:28 am
No dear, for I was born a girl and now I am a woman.
2011-09-22 10:23 am
I was always a thoughtful person.
2011-09-22 10:27 am
Jesus Christ renewed my mind.
2011-09-22 10:27 am
Yes, it did before I was a spoiled selfish brat, but one night I took a good look at myself and realized there was only one thing I could do pray to God to help me.
2011-09-22 10:24 am
No, all things became new as the bible says !!!

Jesus Christ Himself is God.

God is creator (Isa 40:28)
Jesus is creator (John 1:3)

God is Savior (Isa 45:22)
Jesus is Savior (John 4:42)

God raises dead (1Sam 2:6)
Jesus raises dead (John 5:21)

God is Judge (Joel 3:12)
Jesus is Judge (John 5:27, Matt 25:31)

God is Light (Isa 60:19)
Jesus is Light (John 8:12)

God is "I Am" (Exodus 3:14)
Jesus is "I Am" (John 8:58, 18:5-6)

God is Shepherd (Ps. 23:10
Jesus is Shepherd (John 10:11)

Glory of God (Isa 42:8, 48:11)
Glory of Jesus (John 17:1, 5)

God is First and Last (Isa 41:4, 44:6)
Jesus is First and Last (Rev 1:17, 2:8)

God is Redeemer (Hosea 13:14)
Jesus is Redeemer (Rev 5:9)

God is Bridegroom (Isa 62:5) (Hosea 2:16)
Jesus is Bridegroom (Rev 21:2, Matt 25:1)

God is Rock (Ps. 18:2)
Jesus is Rock (1Cor 10:4)

God is Forgiver of Sins (Jer. 31:34)
Jesus is Forgiver of Sins (Mark 2:7,10)

God is Worshiped by Angels (Ps. 148:2)
Jesus is Worshiped by Angels (Heb 1:6)

God is Addressed by Prayer (Throughout Old Testament)
Jesus is Addressed by Prayer (Acts 7:59)

God is Creator of Angels (Ps. 148:5)
Jesus is Creator of Angels (Col 1:16)

God is confessed as Lord (Isa 45:23)
Jesus is Confessed as Lord (Phil 2:10)

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