English Learning - i found myself have a difficulty to speak properly?

2011-09-21 3:03 pm
Hi guys,
I'm puzzled that i can't speak properly.
English is not my first language. but I've been learning it for yrs.
I can score okay in writing, reading and listening but so poor in speaking.
I've been trying to read the textbook or newspaper aloud.
When i just read the text aloud, I can speak fluently.
But when i get into real conversation, I'm kinda embarrassed and nervous to speak.
Like yesterday, my uni tutor talked to me and said i scored high in the mid term exam, congrads.
I couldnt response him well. I could just say sth like 'did i?' 'thanks for telling me'
I shld've chatted to him more. How can i get thru this barrier?
Also, I want to improve other English skills like reading and writing.
Is reading newspaper the best way to do so?


回答 (2)

2011-09-22 7:58 am
Don't take offense to this, but you could try quit writing things in short text form eg. 'yrs', 'sth', 'shld've', etc. You end up learning bad habits like that, that eventually become ingrained.
Yes, reading newspapers is the best way to do so. Also watching and listening to other native speakers use the language is a good method as well.
2011-09-21 3:06 pm
Watch and listen to English TV shows. Practice talking to the TV screen.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 13:34:47
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