Jane Goodall has received an honorary doctorate from/in Cambridge University?

2011-09-21 12:24 pm
Jane Goodall has received an honorary doctorate from Cambridge University.
Jane Goodall has received an honorary doctorate in Cambridge University.

I would like to know if using "in" instead of "from" is correct.


回答 (5)

2011-09-21 12:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
NO. You receive a degree from a university, the degree is conferred by the university.
In general, you receive something from someone.

the ceremony to award degrees - graduation - may well take place IN the university.
2011-09-21 12:33 pm
no. From is correct.
2011-09-21 12:33 pm
The usual expression is "from".

"in Cambridge University" gives the impression that she got an honorary doctorate from another university while being in Cambridge University.
2011-09-21 1:30 pm
You can use either way. ( where did she received an honorary doctorate ? )
2016-10-22 1:20 pm
the known expression is "from". "in Cambridge college" supplies the consequence that she have been given an honorary doctorate from yet yet another college whilst being in Cambridge college.

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