
2011-09-21 11:38 pm
各位c兄c姐,本人將於10月出發基督城, 但我好想知道當地物價如何. 因為:

1.我打算自由行,影下自然景觀,不會住HOTEL, 不會買好多東西,不會食得好奢華,普普通通就ok. 大約玩8日左右. 如果我用ND1000 (大約HK6000) . 以現時當地物價, 我可以"頂得住" 嗎?

2.基督城的日常用品, 食物, 衣服, 等等的2011消費物價是多少? 可否給一些例子?


回答 (2)

2011-09-26 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. actually, NZD1000 is not good for 8 days . I think you can save some money before go there .

2. in christchurch , the consumer goods are experience than other city and HKG. I suggest you can buy some items, e.g toothbrush , towel , coat to there .

remind that christchruch weather is so cold even there now is spring , around 12 ~16 degree . be careful.!
2011-09-22 3:24 pm
現時NZD$1 = HKD $6.40
汽水每罐- NZ$ 2-$3
McDonald - NZ$ 6
KFC - NZ$6-$9
Coffee - NZ$3 cup
Chinese Meal (Takeaway) NZ$10
洗頭水 - NZ$ 5 (bottle)
milk - NZ$2.5 (1 litre)
bread - NZ$5 (1 block)
bus fare - NZ$5 (city trip)
steak (beef) - NZ$ 25 (kg)
salmon (fillet) - NZ$ 30 (kg)

2011-09-22 17:35:40 補充:
基督城是紐西蘭第二大城市,南島(紐西蘭分南,北島)第一大城市,由於人口及地理位置,一般食物及日用品均較第一大城市高出10% - 20%。

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