I got bit by a spider and I don't know what do to?

2011-09-20 9:56 pm
rummaged around in my closet yesterday and "disturbed" the spiders I am guessing. I killed a brown spider yesterday on my bed that was brown with long legs about and inch and a half long. Long legs! Now I have a "circular" reddish ring about the size of a quarter below my belly button with what appears to be a "blister" in the center, a raised "sac" just like a blister that hasn't been popped. Put alcohol on it and still have ice pack on it as it was somewhat painful. But really do not want to die from a spider bite. That's just not good for me! LOL I live in western Kentucky and supposedly brown recluse spiders are bad here, though the landlord (I live in govt housing project but it is a small nice one) sprays monthly for bugs and stuff but I don't allow them to spray in my bedroom as it is usually messy! LOL No I am not a hoarder but it seems like everything that my daughter doesn't want anymore ends up in my room! Though not blaming her for this. I just want to make sure that I don't die so if you don't hear from me anymore, you at least will know why! Anybody know about spider bites? This happened several hours ago or probably as I slept and no symptoms as yet except the bite itself. Thank you for any help. Would appreciate it!

回答 (10)

2011-09-20 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just head down to a doctor & have it checked out. A seemingly nothing bite can turn nasty over a few hours (I know you said you slept & all, but still), it's always best to be safe than sorry. I've been bitten by spiders before with no side effects, but if that spider was a Brown Recluse like you said it will get worse soon.

2011-09-21 5:05 am
definitely go to a doctor if brown recluses are common in your area!!

P.S. how did this end up in the horoscope section?
2011-09-21 5:24 am
The spider you killed yesterday was NOT a brown recluse. They're very small spiders and the one that you killed yesterday was too big, by far.

On the other hand, you are having a reaction to whatever it was that bit you.

See if you can't identify the spider(s) you've found in your room by looking here: http://www.uky.edu/Ag/CritterFiles/casefile/spiders/spiderfile.htm

Knowing what you've encountered, maybe you can figure out what to do about it... Good Luck!
2011-09-21 5:23 am
I may be back to add more, but I wanted to say that I've put large amounts of antibacterial gel on spider bites, and it seems to lessen the decomposition, damage, burning and itching. I keep it going if it dries out.

Other than that, you should see a doctor if there's a big change, especially if the dark ring starts increasing around the bite spot.

Take care of yourself for now, but later on, get some moth ball packets and keep them in areas where you don't want the exterminator to spray. Spiders hate moth balls. Don't use so much that it makes the room stink badly. Rose and cinnamon potpourri will help overcome the left over musty smell.
2011-09-21 4:56 am
you will turn into spider man
2011-09-21 6:42 am
1. Keep some Betadine in your house as a first aid measure.Spray immediately on area
2. Ice to keep swelling down
3.Clean area with Sterile or boiled Saline water

Almost all spiders are poisonous,but their fangs are generally to short or fragile to penetrate Human skin.

Call your Doctor IMMEDIATELY...if you don't have one, call ANY Physician/Hospital/Private office that you have been seen at in the past. They will ask you the necessary followup question regarding your bite...like muscle stiffness,headaches,fever,rashes etc.

Be Well
2011-09-21 5:53 am
Go to the hospital ASAP if u wanna live!
2011-09-21 5:08 am
piss on yourself
2011-09-21 4:58 am
2011-09-21 8:07 am
Oh my!! Why are you sitting here on Yahoo Answers?? Go to the doctor quick before it gets infected and Good luck!!

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