How to become a shapeshifter?

2011-09-20 3:15 am
The city i live in is very very cruel... I feel as if I was a shapeshifter I could protect my family. Not like twilight. I mean like Super Natural or any other type of movie or just real life. I am weak and pathetic and my little brother got pummeled by a very muscular man so then i ran up to the man and punched him as hard as i could with my right hand at his chest and it felt like it was built like a truck but i didn't give up so i kicked him in his crotch. And then he tried to wrestle me so I did the pressure point which makes people fall asleep and he gasped and then left right away and my mother is scared of the guy so she told us not to go back to the park again. And kids at my school drink alchohol. And they become really really tough when they are angered or drunk. And I reported them to the principal but they refused and denied any of it. And the kids threatened to hurt me and my mother told me that she is going to move when she has enough money but her boss treats her poorly. I am thirteen years old and she does not have alot of money. People threaten my family and we called the cops on them but they still refuse to the cops and the cops told us we need proof and if we do get hurt that they will arrest them. So i feel if i become a shapeshifter i can shed skin and turn into a boy from my school and hurt his friends and then turn back into myself without any one knowing it was me. And I can protect my family easier.
And this is worth ten points

回答 (5)

2011-09-20 3:19 am
Pray to God and He will protect you.
2011-09-20 3:34 am
And your answer for this is... shapeshifting. Right

See if I were you, I'd go with ice powers. Someone bothers you, you snap your fingers and they're a snowman. Time travel is another good choice. Anytime someone gives you a hard time, go back 80 years and try to keep his grandparents from getting together. If you don't know where to go for any of that, I'd recommend that you find a good wizard, warlock, witch, or any other mystical person starting with a W. Good luck to you.

One more thing- if you do go back in time, don't try to stop World War II. Things always end up worse when someone does that. Do what you want to World War I.
2011-09-20 3:29 am
Find some christian friends. Maybe a youth group at a local church? And yes, pray to the Lord. God is the real power, even though it often seems as if he ignores us, he is always with us.
2011-09-20 3:19 am
I'm sorry for your trouble, but there is no way to become a shape shifter of the kind you want to be. I think taking Kung Fu or another martial arts class would actually be of much better help to you. These disciplines show you how to use the seeming strength of your opponent to beat them. "The bigger they are the harder they fall" idea.

You Can learn to shape shift, but it takes years And natural ability. Also, it is usually Only in the Spirit World, that you can do this. In order to become powerful enough to do it in Our world you would have to study with True Shamans (like in Siberia) and even then you might not be able to do it.
2011-09-20 3:16 am
Talk to a wizard

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