spiritually: does creating music correlate with a human spirit?

2011-09-20 3:05 am

回答 (8)

2011-09-20 3:19 am
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Yes, I believe it does.
I've heard it said that the pyramids were built partly through sound.
And I've heard of ancient civilizations that could use a combination of sight and sound to send messages.
Telepathy would seem to be an obviously faster route to send a message. However sometimes the other telepaths had to be discluded from the message. So, just like dream symbology, messages could be personalized for the receiver.

Music is the language of the soul.
2011-09-20 10:09 am
yes because it is a human creation
2011-09-20 10:06 am
Whatever the spirit is, music seems to go with it.
2011-09-20 10:30 am
Since humans are the only creatures to have created true music (although other species 'sing' such as whales and wolves) I would say that art in All Forms (music, painting, sculpture, etc.) is a outgrowth of the human spirit.
2011-09-20 10:15 am
I think that is like a gift to compose, write, have a song, meddlley.

Growing up singing hymnals, songs and melodies and being aware of music I find the skill and inspiration still should come from God.

Godly music is few and far between these days.

So to sing a song is to use your speit man to sing, compose, change the tone and notes in some rythmic fashion.
The expression of getting in to it...a term meaning to allow your mind and body to produce the best you can .
An audience may come far later or never.
Some just cringed at onlookers and are have a stage freight like feling.
After many efforts a song , riff of music and composed writings or lyrics be achieved.
2011-09-20 10:10 am
Hyms not Lady Gaga kind of music.
2011-09-20 10:07 am
2011-09-20 10:06 am

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