Atheists, If God shows up right in front of your face, how do you know you're not hallucinating?

2011-09-20 2:47 am
In other words, what evidence do you need to prove that it is not a hallucination?

Or what are the things you would ask HIm to do to prove that He's God?

回答 (16)

2011-09-20 3:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
The first thing would be the evidence that would confirm events that the Bible claimed happened, i.e. we should see evidence that the universe, this world and the life on it were created and not products of natural processes. The same holds through all events recorded and attributed as actions of God throughout the old and new testaments. (Unfortunately the evidence strongly suggests that the Bible is very wrong about most, if not all of these, and the events that the evidence does support do not provide any confirmation.)

Then, as a confirmation, I'd need to "see" (have independently and objectively verified by a group of experts), several confirmed amputees grow back their missing limbs with only prayers and no medical techniques used. Similarly, given any group of terminally ill people, restored to perfect health without any medical attention and being prayed for.

A really good confirmation of this would be the fulfillment of Jesus' words that people that were not "true believers" (i.e. they never new him) would be able to heal, cast out demons and raise the dead in his name.

These are based on Biblical promises or things that the Bible records as true events. It is claimed that it is true by Christians, therefore the evidence should support its claims and promises.
2011-09-20 2:50 am
If something is real its provable and repeatable.
2011-09-20 2:59 am
Impossible beings won't show by definition.
2011-09-20 2:53 am
if other psychologically sound people can see the same thing, and repeated scrutiny reveals no hoax, then I would believe it.

Besides, an omniscient God would know exactly what it takes to convince me of its existence.
2011-09-20 2:53 am
I could take a photograph. I could get my camcorder and video God with me. I could ask him to perform some feat that would demonstrate his divinity.

I would thank him for my million dollars since I'm sure James Randi will be on speed dial.
2011-09-20 2:51 am
He hasn't thus far...
I've been pretty sober as well.
2011-09-20 2:51 am
I think a god would be able to prove itself without my input
2011-09-20 2:51 am
I don't know if there is a god, and I'm happy not knowing, because no one does. I am spiritual in the respect that I think, there is more to humanity than rationality.

But abrahamic religion is silly.
2016-10-22 10:47 am
Many theists believe in deties via fact they can not understand, nor settle for that the universe got here out of no longer something, it is conceivable via the regulations of physics as all of us comprehend and understand them. human beings stay with the thought each and every thing occurs for a reason and that each and every thing that occurs is brought about via something else. as a result they think of the universe could desire to be created via a God. Now to get on your query: there is no reason on your declare that a God could make it look older then that's. 2nd even in the previous God there have been the regulations of physics. The regulations of physics are the comparable, consistently have been the comparable and consistently stands out as the comparable interior the destiny. they can not replace, as a result your concept is fake via fact the fast ageing technique as defined via you are able to not ensue via the regulations of physics.
2011-09-20 8:33 am
Since the advent of psychiatry no such things have been claimed!

Indeed the vatican that likes miracles has a group to examine all miraculous claims and their first test is a full psychiatric evaluation of the claimant!

Everyone with a working braincell should be able to work out it would be an hallucination or perhaps in your case an invention of wishful thinking!

Sadly post like yours ridicule christianity and make it a laughingstock!
2011-09-20 3:46 am
If he's real then he should be able to leave some sort of easily identifiable "mark" or piece of proof that I wasn't hallucinating.
Write me a little note. Poof a chocolate milkshake onto my table that's still there when he disappears. Tell me something that's going to happen the next day or the near future that I couldn't POSSIBLY know unless the event was revealed to me by an all-knowing being. And not some sort of everyday thing that's likely to occur, anyway, like "it will rain on Saturday." Something specific... like tell me that next tuesday when I'm in line to pay at CVS, a guy is going to come in and stand in line behind me wearing an orange shirt, have a tattoo that says "Clarissa" on his forearm, and is buying a bottle of Motrin, shaving cream, and a birthday card. Maybe that's something I can't use to convince the REST of the world, but it would convince me absolutely.

It really shouldn't be that difficult for an all-knowing, all-powerful being to figure out how to convince me that I'm not hallucinating. I'm not THAT hard to convince. Let me put it this way, if "Zeus" appeared before you and told you he was real, what sort of things could HE do to convince YOU that he was real and that you weren't hallucinating?
It's the same thing for us. I'm sorry, but hiding from us and then telling us that if we "just have faith" then we will "feel him in our hearts" is not convinving to us, and us not buying it does NOT make US the unreasonable ones. If the ONLY way to believe something is to try really, really hard, and what it TAKES to believe in that something is to "open your heart" -- i.e., to put yourself in a state of suggestibility and wishful thinking, then I'm sorry, but that's not a very good sign that this something is true.
2011-09-20 3:01 am
Most likely was a hallucination. The religious ceremonies of the Israelites included the use of psychotropic materials that can found in the Negev and Sinai. When Moses saw 'God' he was tripping balls of something he had at the local pow-wow. Similar God-like entitys show themselves to almost everyone when the hallucinate.
參考: the internets
2011-09-20 3:00 am
Me: "Hey, Jimmy!"
Jimmy: "Yeah?"
Me: "You seeing this, man?"
Jimmy: "I totally am."
Me: "Hmmm, I guess God is real."
Jimmy: "Quite."
Me: "Indeed."
2011-09-20 2:53 am
Whatever it was it would have to be believable - and then how would he prove that he is god?
He has not done too well so far.

You may have noticed that there is room for doubt.
Would a real god leave room for doubt??
2011-09-20 2:52 am
The bigger question I think is how would I know one god from another? And if man is made in God's image and likeness, how woul dI know God from another human? I'd have to perform tests.
2011-09-20 2:51 am
id im hallucinating he'd probably give me a whopper.

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