How to use these words?

2011-09-20 6:56 am
When do I use do, does, do not, does not, did not with I, you, he , she, that?

How do I use: Have, has, have been, has been, had, had been, with I,you, he/she, that?

回答 (1)

2011-09-20 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Present tense
I, you, we, they = do, do not, have or have been
I do my homework
I do not do my homework
I have an apple
I have been to Japan.

he she that/ this (it) = does, does not, has or has been
He does his homework
She does not do her homework
He has an apple.
She has been to China
That does not make any sense

Past tense
I, you , we , they, he, she, that/this (it)
all the same did not, had or had been.
I did not do my homework yesterday
We did not do our homework last week.
She did not do her homework yesterday.
They had a party last night
She had been to the party last night.
It did not make any sense.

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