how to use fail

2011-09-20 4:25 am
My test is fail. Is the grammar correct ?

My test is always fail .


My test is always failed. Which one is correct ?

回答 (3)

2011-09-20 4:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think it isn't correct,
"My test was fail" is correct, as it is past.
參考: myself
2011-09-21 7:57 am
fail 唔係咁用

My test is fail. X
I failed in my test.

My test is always fail XXXXX!
I always fail in my test.

2011-09-20 9:34 am
"fail" can be a noun or a verb, it is not an adjective.

When it is used as a transitive verb, you may write " I failed the test".

When it is used as an intransitive verb, you may write " my test failed".

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 11:30:51
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