State your religion. And how do you practice your religion?

2011-09-19 2:43 am

回答 (17)

2011-09-19 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Pentecostal - Singing, Dancing, Clapping, Worshiping God, Holy Living, Speaking in tongues, Loving others...,
2011-09-19 9:50 am
By following Jesus. Every Christian does what they feel they need to do to enrich their faith according to how the Holy Spirit is leading them, so it's not a bunch of rules. It's living by the grace of God. Jesus said, "My grace is sufficient for you. Your strength is made perfect in weakness." II Cor. 12:9
2011-09-19 9:45 am
I draw a pentagram with ketchup on the floor, put a beach breeze scented candle at each tip of the star and play heavy metal on my banjo in the middle of it, sometimes if i'm feeling super heavy i'll use my ukulele.
參考: Satan.
2011-09-19 9:50 am
Celtic Paganism
We don't have 'practices' per se. As an earth based, ancient spiritual path, we honor the earth, the spirits, the gods and the ancestors. We try to live our lives honorably, generously, with hospitality and truth. We honor our Sacred Dead with regular offerings and watch over our land to the best of our ability.
2011-09-19 9:47 am
i'm Christian.
i practice it the way God wants me to.
making disciples, but not forcing it or saying it to people who don't want it, because soon they will want it.
i read the bible.
i pray.
i don't listen to "bad" music i guess.
i listen to Christian and country alot.
i don't attend an actual church i'm forced to go to a Jehovah's witness place.
i'm still learning. but i guess that's how i practice and follow.
2011-09-19 9:46 am
My religion is deranged. I practice it by hoarding cats and putting little hats on them.
2011-09-19 9:56 am
Catholicism I go to church once a week (usually) say prayers before meals. I count my blessings (when I remember).How about you? Do you worship?
2011-09-19 9:54 am
hardcore agnostic i don't practice i just do what i do best
2011-09-19 9:51 am
I am a Unitarian Universalist.
2011-09-19 9:50 am
I practice the ancient Greek religion. I pray to the gods when I need guidance or if someone needs help... When I receive their help I give them an offering.
參考: Percy Jackson,Wikipedia
2011-09-19 9:50 am
Jesus Christ.

2011-09-19 9:49 am
I'm a Cthulhu cultist. I practice my religion by reading aloud from the books at the Miskatonic Library.
2011-09-19 9:47 am
Atheist. I live.
2011-09-19 9:45 am
King James Bible
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
I do not practice it at all, I just do it.
2011-09-19 9:45 am
Non-practicing Catholic
2011-09-19 9:49 am
prayer/ritual & meditation.
2011-09-19 9:44 am
Unicornism. You worship unicorns....and that's about it!
參考: :D

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