
2011-09-18 6:52 pm
唔該幫我將下面4句有錯既地方用紅筆間低 同寫返正確答案!

1.The detective is inwestagating the murder case of pilot

who was killed by the poisun.

2.The ambluance is arriving to help the victums.

3.I like reading English storybooks.Do Cecilia like reading

English storybook too?

4.If I became an astranaut, I would visit another penet ,

and gain more knowlegh about space

回答 (3)

2011-09-18 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1.The detective is inwestagating the murder case of pilot

who was killed by the poisun.

investigating and poison

2.The ambluance is arriving to help the victums.


3.I like readingEnglish storybooks.Do Cecilia like reading

English storybook too?

english and likes
4.If I became an astranaut, I would visit another penet ,

and gain more knowlegh about space

astronaut and knowledge

2011-09-18 12:01:33 補充:
penet = planet
2011-09-18 8:17 pm
1. The detective is inwestagating (investigating ) the murder case of pilot who
was killed by the (x) poisun (poison).

2. The ambluance (ambulance ) is arriving to help the victums (victims ).

3. I like reading English storybooks (storybook ). Do (Does ) Cecilia like
reading English storybook too ?

4. If I became an asstranaut (astronaut ), I would visit another penel (planet ).
and gain more knowlegh (knowledge ) about space.
2011-09-18 7:13 pm
1.The detective is inwestagating (investigating)the murder case of pilot

who was killed by the(X) poisun (poison).

2.The ambluance is arriving to help the victums (victims).

3.I like reading English storybooks.Do Cecilia like reading

English storybook(storybooks) too?

4.If I became an astranaut(astronaut) , I would visit another penet (planet) ,

and gain more knowlegh(knowledge) about space
參考: me

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