如果取消商業登記証, 公司戶口還可以用嗎?

2011-09-18 6:22 pm
如果取消商業登記証, 公司戶口還可以用嗎? 是普遍無限公司.

回答 (2)

2011-09-19 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
In principle, the bank account could still be used after the date of cessation as reported to the Inland Revenue Department. However, the transaction after that date are only related to the clearance of assets and liabilities of the firm and no trading transactions, buy and sell of goods or commercial services rendered, should be carried out. The bank account should be cancelled thereafter.
2011-09-21 11:37 pm
取消左BR , 公司就不可運作, 連銀行戶口都不可以,

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