
2011-09-18 8:13 am
我覺得我是一隻蜜蜂因為我很認真工作和學習.就像一隻蜜蜂會努力儲糧食準備過冬,所以我覺得我的性格像一隻蜜蜂,就像我一直以來為進入日本公司而不斷努力學習日文一樣. 還有和蜜蜂一樣團結,就像我在XX公司時幫助其他不懂產品知識和日語的同事,怎樣去服務客人,令客人滿意我們的服務.以上就是我覺得自己像一隻蜜蜂的原因.謝謝 英文 I thank I am a Bee.Because I amseriously to working and learning.As a bee save a lot of honey to stand by over winter.So, I think my character is look like a bee.As same as I hope to join a Japanese company then keep onlearning Japanese.Also, I like a bee have teamwork.Like when I was working in XX Company help other don’t knowabout product and don’t speak Japanese staff,How to serve the customers and enjoy our service.These are I thank I am a bee reasonThankyou.



回答 (2)

2011-09-18 4:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think I am a Bee.Because I work and learn seriously.Just like a bee which would save a lot of honey for the coming winter.So, I think my character is similar to that of a bee.I keep on learning Japanese

Since I hope to work in a Japanese company.Also, I like working as a team.When I was working in XX Company

I help the staff who are not familiar with the product

And don’t know how to speak JapaneseHow to serve the customers and make them enjoy our service.These are the reasons why I think I am a bee.

Thank you.

2011-09-18 08:19:10 補充:
如果件事過咗去就用 past tense

When I was working in XX Company

I helped the staff who were not familiar with the product

And didn’t know how to speak Japanese

How to serve the customers and make them enjoy our service.
參考: me
2011-09-18 8:31 pm
I thank I am a Bee.
thinkBecause I amseriously to working and learning.
I am As a bee save a lot of honey to stand by over winter.So, I think my character is look like a bee.As same as I hope to join a Japanese company then keep onlearning Japanese.
on learningAlso, I like a bee have teamwork.Like when I was working in XX Company help other don’t knowabout product and don’t speak Japanese staff,
know aboutHow to serve the customers and enjoy our service.These are I thank I am a bee reason

thank you

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