What natural products cures all bedbugs?

2011-09-17 4:17 am
...either plants/herbs/flowers they don't like/ or some type of food...Are ant bates any good?

回答 (2)

2011-09-17 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
The only bedbug eradication program I observed was too radical to be considered in a normal setting. Nothing short of this worked ever. So if you have bedbugs you can only control them by physically removing them. That works somewhat in keeping them down. But if you miss one it wont take long and they will be back. And then you have to physically remove them again. There are natural ways to plug the holes and cracks and corners. You can plug them all with wax.sort of holds them back. My personal favorite was to use the candle and burn them out sort of natural method.
2011-09-17 11:47 am
None will, even typical exterminator chems often dont work, and special ones are needed.

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