please answer my question(eng)

2011-09-16 4:48 am
1.As poor as..........
2.As strong as.......
3.As cute as..........
4.As smart as........
5.As thin as...........
6.That beautiful white flower is like.............
7.He is so handsome he looks like............
8.My bedroom is so neat it is just like.......
9.Carrying our heavy schoolbag feels like.............
10.What an ugly building! It looks like..................
please help!!!! thank you very much^ ^

回答 (2)

2011-09-16 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.As poor as a beggar
2.As strong as a lion
3.As cute as a baby
4.As smart as an expert
5.As thin as a monkey
6.That beautiful white flower is like an angel
7.He is so handsome he looks like Andy Lau
8.My bedroom is so neat it is just like an display room
9.Carrying our heavy schoolbag feels like carrying a large stone
10.What an ugly building! It looks like a strange tree
參考: me
2011-09-16 9:40 am
1. As poor as a church mouse
2. As strong as Samson (or Hercules).
3. As cute as a button
4. As smart as a fox
5. As thin as a rake
6. That beautiful white flower is like an angel
7 .He is so handsome he looks like Leslie Cheung (張國榮)
8. My bedroom is so neat it is just like a showroom.

2011-09-16 01:49:50 補充:
9. Carrying our heavy schoolbag feels like carrying a bag of sand

10.What an ugly building! It looks like a run-down penitentiary (監獄) or concrete jungle

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are English idioms.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:05:08
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