
2011-09-15 8:36 am
如果係泰國唔見左番香港既回程機票,但我係唔知係邊度唔見既只係o係臨上飛機前先知,之後係泰國機場警局報左失。之後再o係航空公司counter補錢再買番自已原先個位。 我想問o係咁既情況之下可唔可以同保險公司claim番o係航空公司買番自己個位既機票錢呢? 我係買左藍十字既旅遊保險~

回答 (3)

2011-09-16 4:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
are you serious? when did you loss your airticket?

coz' all are e-tix now! there will be no more "lost air ticket"!

2011-09-15 20:40:04 補充:
coz' all are e-tix now! there has been no more "lost air ticket"!

2011-09-17 19:37:25 補充:
****(1) It spells tRue.
(2) the term "Lost Ticket" has ceased to exist for long. Even before e-tix, passengers' bookings have been recorded in the computer. Penalty for lost ticket applies, BUT you don't need to 補錢再買番自已原先個位 (which is nonsense)

2011-09-18 20:20:19 補充:
****(1) It spells tRue.
(2) the term "Lost Ticket" has ceased to exist for long. Even before e-tix, passengers' bookings have been recorded in the computer. Penalty for lost ticket applies, BUT you don't need to 補錢再買番自已原先個位 (which is nonsense)

2011-09-20 01:25:23 補充:
Wai Man: that's the reality. I dun understand why "lost ticket". 補錢再買番自已原先個位.

so far for me, I juz show the passport at the checkin counter. i never print anything.
2011-09-20 4:06 am
香港去泰國的機, 9成9都用電子機票.
你只需要在上機當日出示你的護照就可以了, 櫃檯職員會重新再印一張登機證給你的.
2011-09-16 9:02 am

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