What was the purpose of God killing children?

2011-09-15 3:17 am

回答 (26)

2011-09-15 3:20 am
he doesnt kill children i dont know where you heard that
參考: read the bible
2011-09-15 3:19 am
God hasn't killed children.
2011-09-15 3:26 am
I don't know if you mean the ones He drowned in Noah's Global Flood in Genesis, or the ones He slew in the Passover in the book of Exodus, or the ones He commanded the Israelites to grab by the heels and dash their heads against rocks, (Psalms 137:9)

Mostly, it was to prove that, since the Flood didn't happen and the Exodus didn't happen, and the guys who ordered their soldiers to commit genocide, ALSO ordered the scribes to write that it wasn't THEM being genocidal, but that GOD should take the blame, it was God's way of proving that He does not exist in the form the Bible claims He does.
參考: KJV Bible
2011-09-15 3:26 am
People here keep saying he didn't kill children. So, opening pregnant women, and killing the infant and mother isn't considered "killing children." And yes, I'm sure in all of the lies in there, he had to of, at least in the old testament. The one where he was bad. He magically turned into a nice person. What a bunch of crap.
參考: |4 year old hates/looks down on you people.
2011-09-15 3:22 am
I don't recall that news article. I hear of a mom or dad killing children, war killing children, lack of food killing children, or various diseases killing children...hum, never God. Sorry....but 2pts for me.
2011-09-15 3:21 am
Whether you believe in god or not, it's idiotic to think there is some guy somewhere playing with the world like it's a board game.
2011-09-15 3:20 am
Priests put that in their stories to scare people into believing in their teachings.
2011-09-15 3:18 am
Lucifer was pretending to be daddy.
2011-09-15 3:19 am
teh lulz.
2011-09-15 3:19 am
it's just easier,
smack, dead. whereas you have to hit full size people a bunch of times.

edit: those people who keep saying "there's no children killed, read your bible" obviously haven't read their bible, or they read one of those new age edited bibles, because the god thingie ordered the death of hundreds of thousands in your silly book, including children.
2011-09-15 3:19 am
When and where?
2011-09-15 3:19 am
To show that even God has a dark-side.
2011-09-16 1:53 am
I think you are referring to Kings 2:23 - 24 where he sent a bear to kill 42 children who had made fun of Elisha's bald head.

The Bible is full of contradiction and illogical scenarios. One can only conclude that God has a vicious streak.

Most of these 'Christians' on Yahoo have never actually read the book...
2011-09-15 3:31 am
Please elaborate.
2011-09-15 3:22 am
What's the purpose of so many humans killing children via abortion and others?
2011-09-15 3:22 am
You mean, people killing people. and they have a chose not to kill , and if they do good things they will go to Paradise?
2011-09-15 3:21 am
I wish you gave an example. The answer usual lies before the event occured.
2011-09-15 3:21 am
2011-09-15 3:24 am
WHen and Where?

You talking about in the Bible when the new borns were killed.... that wasn't God killing them

If your talking about Africa and the starving Children .... God is not killing them ... He can't help them and it kills him.

If your talking about China... again that's on the Chinese and not God.
2011-09-15 3:20 am
God can't kill anybody.

If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, then he knows when you'll be born and when you'll die. You have an appointed time to live, and that time expires eventually. The cause of your death is not a surprise to God; it was ordained before you were born. Your time simply ends. Some of us get more time than others, that's all.

"Killing" implies the taking of life prematurely. That's not possible for God to do.
2011-09-15 3:23 am
Since God does not kill children, there is no sense to your question.
2011-09-15 3:22 am
I never heard of God ever killing a child.

God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Issac but stopped him from going through with it.

At least read the book before you pass judgment on it.
2011-09-15 3:18 am
2011-09-15 3:19 am
Same reason he allowed you to live, mistakes happen.
2011-09-15 3:19 am
Population control.
2011-09-15 3:18 am
For ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Read the bible.- The pope

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