Genuine question about men hitting women (please read detail)?

2011-09-14 1:36 pm
As we all know it takes a special kind of coward to beat up a woman for know apparent reason and the same goes for anyone who victimises people smaller and/or weaker than them (i personally have never hit a woman).

However my question is and i would like to hear from men and women (serious answers please) about what they think about defending yourself from a woman, if a woman attacks a man is it ok for that man to fight back with all his force to protect himself from an attacker regardless of sex?

I am a karate student and am aware of how much damage a woman can do when she turns violent, i simply want to know peoples standing... i personally believe that any attacker should be neutralised which means stopping their current attack and restraining them from any further attack. Im in no way talking about fighting back, im talking about defending yourself... that may however include striking back. (the difference is defence is doing what is necessary and fighting back is aggressively seeking to cause more harm to your opponent than they cause you). Thanks

回答 (8)

2011-09-14 1:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When you do Karate (the full contact type), you relaize that women can in fact hurt you, just not as easily as a strong man. Therefore if a woman were to attack me, I would defend myself. The law also allows for this action. The fact is though that one punch from a man to most women's face is enough to knock her off her feet; so that is often all the force that would be needed.

What Jumper says is typical of a married loser, i.e. he lets his wife assault him and does nothing back. I would not cripple a woman who is attacking me, but I would use reasonable force to put her off. The same applies if I were being attacked by a child, an old person, a lunatic etc.
2011-09-14 8:43 pm
Self defense is not wrong but is the person in question more than defending themselves? If I hit my husband, I'd be an idiot to expect him to not react but if he put me in intensive care for a slap, that would be an issue.
2011-09-14 8:49 pm
it's not ok for a man to hit back, but perhaps protect himself a little. My wife once started throwing kicks at me, and thought she had the upper hand and got carried away, so i started neutralizing each of her kicks by a small kick to her foot, as soon as she would lift it.
I did karate.
I simply defused her attack, but then I respected what she had to say.
2011-09-14 8:46 pm
defending yourself from anyone is ok & perfectly acceptable & legal. a bit of a "grey area" is "fighting back" & what that includes. to defend yourself or restrain someone else from hurting you any further is one thing, but is knocking someone out by punching, kicking, butting etc really necessary? i suppose every situation is different & you would have to react without much time to think about it.
2011-09-14 8:40 pm
I think it really depends on the women. If you're getting attacked by some beefy stereotypical Russian body building named 'Helga,' then yeah, by all means, protect yourself.

However, since most women aren't larger or stronger than most men, I'd say just hold her off until she calms down and stops. You could do a lot more damage to her than she could to you.

That's only if she's unarmed, though. If she has a weapon of some sort then yeah, I'd protect yourself, but try to do it with as little damage to her as possible (Unless she has a gun because there's really no dodging that type of weapon).

Hope this helped! :]
2011-09-14 9:45 pm
If your an expert in Karate, you wouldn't need to use 'force' to restrain them in an attack, neither would you be using 'punching'.

Surely avoidance is the best solution, I would advice that you walk away from any form of violence, unless your trapped against a wall, then use some form of restraint, rather than punching.
2011-09-14 9:03 pm
I have never hit a man, and I think hitting people is ridiculous. Obviously, a 220 lb. man is going to cause a lot of damage to a 120 lb. woman if he hits her with full force. I believe you should be defensive enough to avoid injury, and get away as quickly as possible. I was once give a black eye by a drunken boyfriend 100 lbs. heavier than me and my face didn't heal for over a month.
2011-09-14 9:00 pm
It's only genetlemanish of you to do that if she were
to attack you, you could defend yourself but not hit
back. That's the difference..

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