
2011-09-14 9:21 am
本人打算去美國一個月,想問幾時去機票會最平?邊度買機票會最抵?同埋如果唔一定直航的話,坐邊間航空好?目的地應該會係 New York .....謝謝幫忙提供意見

回答 (5)

2011-09-14 3:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
去美國旅遊最緊要申請到美國簽證, 如果你有固定職業, 有固定收入, 有一定儲蓄, 最好有物業, 就比較容易取得美國簽證。
你可以在美國停留幾耐, 係由你入境時經過美國移民局嘅官員決定, 會俾你停留一個星期或者到六個月左右。
機票最平嘅季節就係唔係節日,唔係假期, 加上天氣非常差,無人去旅遊嘅季節。 在紐約就應該係二,三月, 係全年最冷嘅季節, 時時都會凍到攝氏零下,而且時時有大風雪, 白天短, 夜晚長, 出外非常唔方便嘅季節。
如果你唔係想買最平嘅機票, 你可以在五月或十月去, 可以避開暑假,而且都係適宜旅行嘅天氣。
如果你幸運, 好似我今年都在7月買到港幣七千元嘅直航來往香港紐約機票, 仲係直接同航空公司買。直航亦不一定貴過要轉機。 你可以上 Priceline
Check 下, 可以睇到在不同嘅日期,不同嘅航空公司, 是否直航同票價係幾錢。Priceline 係和記黃埔屬下機構, 價錢平而有信用。你不一定要上網買,可以打電話問到價錢再上去公司買。 當然你亦可以去旅行社買, 但切記唔好貪平, 因為有些旅行社係黑店。

2011-09-14 07:16:45 補充:

2011-09-18 08:45:28 補充:
你可以乘搭國泰航空公司航機由香港直航抵達肯尼迪國際機場(代號 JFK )
你可以乘搭大陸航空公司航機由香港直航抵達紐瓦克自由國際機場 (代號 EWR)其他航空公司航機要在中途轉機分別抵達這兩個機場。

2011-09-18 08:45:37 補充:
由JFK可以乘搭的士前往曼哈頓, 規定收費USD45, 乘搭私營巴士USD15, 乘搭Air Train USD5,再轉地鐵各站USD2.25。
由EWR 可以乘搭巴士前往曼哈頓, 亦可以乘搭 Air Train USD5,再乘搭火車USD12.50.
2011-09-20 2:17 am
我相信不是開學, 散學時間和假期, 機票會便宜很多.
我曾在5月尾去西岸, 跟旅行團, 都只是6仟多元,

你可去那些旅行社問問, 不過, 越早買機票會越便宜.

2011-09-18 4:46 am

在淡季機票會平些。 即是除去暑假,寒假,聖誕,新年,復活節和農曆新年,,其他的日子通常會平些,除非當日忽然有很多人都去紐約。買機票邊度扺好難講, 因為係海鮮價,問多幾間AGENT啦,在報紙有廣告看的。坐直航去紐約。你唔選國泰就只有Continental。可以轉機的話,可以試下加航,在多倫多轉機。

2011-09-15 5:36 am
Peak seasons are during the Summer break and Xmas break, especially the days before the school begin.

From mid-Sept to Mid Dec, from Feb to Apr, all this period are not really peak season unless there is a longer holiday. You have chances to score a good price ticket during the time.

For airline flying directly 直航 from HK to New York, I don't think you have that many choices. For direct flight, Cathay flys to New York JFK airport. Continental arline flys to New York EWR airport. Both are decent airlines. You may see what airport is easier for you. I am not aware there is any 3rd airline provide a non-stop direct flight for this path.
2011-09-14 8:04 pm
1. There is no definite answer.

Airlines tickets are similar to stock prices - they can be different every single minute based on demand and supply.

But in general, if you want a cheap ticket, never travel in a holiday season.

The rest will be up to your fate (as the airlines do not usually advertise for the big sale).

2. Working with a travel agent will be the best - in rare cases, buying directly from the airlines may be cheaper, but it does not happen a lot.

I have seen the lowest fare like about $5,000.

3. Difficult to say - if you don't think travel safety is an issue, Korean Air, as well as China Airlines, are always the cheapest.

Otherwise, it will be based on the price and your preferences.

2011-09-14 12:11:19 補充:
By the way - don't trust advertisement - find the ticket yourself...

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