2011-09-13 9:23 pm
I want to get a degree as a dental hygentist.

In high school (I"m a graduating junior this year) I took
8th grade Algerbra 1,
9th grade Algebra 1 Honors,Biology1,English 1, Intensive Reading (Block:two periods),Geography,(some type of life skills class)
10th grade Liberal Arts Math,Physical Science,English 3,Aerobics,HOPE,Driver's Education,Computing for College &Careers,World History
11th grade Geometry,Algerbra 2,Ecology French1,English 3,English 4,Algebra 2,American History,Intensive Reading,American Government,Economics,Web design
and already have admissions to
but I'm not sure what subjects to take for the SAT SUBJECT TEST

回答 (3)

2011-09-13 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ask your college counselor as they will know the most current requirements for the specific colleges, or look on their websites. They will also know which of your school's classes you would take the SAT Subject tests after. Usually you take them at the end of the year of that class, my son took the SAT Subject Biology test at the end of taking AP Biology, and the Math II test at the end of pre-Calculus.

I don't think the UC's need the SAT Subject Tests anymore except for specific programs, but it's good to take them for admissions, a good score helps to make you more competitive. Math II is taken at the end of pre-Calculus, and it's very difficult, even for students who took very rigorous Honors pre-Calculus. Math I doesn't seem to be accepted by some colleges, so check before you bother taking it.

Have you checked to see if you're taking the a - g requirements for UC admissions? One is that you need 2 years of one foreign language, 3 years recommended to be competitive. Be sure you've taken them or tested out, so you have a chance at UC admissions, the Cal States also follow the a - g requirements, and most colleges have similar requirements. You also need one year of one visual or performing art, like drawing, drama, music, etc. I don't know if web design counts, you should find out.

UC a - g requirements:

Good luck!
2017-01-11 8:54 pm
Usc Subject Tests
2016-09-28 5:48 pm
Schools might feel good about you taking it once more even though I may not recommend taking it for the 3rd time. If you've gotten a prime APUSH experiment rating, then that might catch up on your "low" rating, even though its now not unhealthy in any respect.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:39:30
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