
2011-09-14 12:48 am
Adverbs 例子

回答 (5)

2011-09-14 1:59 am
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大部分 adverb (副詞) 都係由 adjective (形容詞) + ly 組成
e.g. quiet -> quietly, careful -> carefully, quick -> quickly...
有啲就唔轉, 姐係 adjective 同 adverb都係嗰個字
e.g. hard -> hard, fast -> fast, late -> late...
注意 hardly 都係 adverb 但唔係 hard 嘅 adverb, 而係另一個解釋, 解作幾乎不,
lately 都唔係 late 嘅 adverb, 而係解作最近, 同埋無 fastly 呢個字
仲有其他特別例子, 詳見下表

Formation of adverbsê Add –ly to the adjectives, e.g.AdjectivesAdverbsAdjectivesAdverbscalmcalmlycarefulcarefullygenerousgenerouslykindkindlyê Change “y” to “i” & add –ly for adjectives ending with “y”, e.g.AdjectivesAdverbsAdjectivesAdverbsmerrymerrilyeasyeasilyheavyheavilytidytidilyê Drop the final “e” & add –y for adjectives ending with “ble”, e.g.AdjectivesAdverbsAdjectivesAdverbsfeeblefeeblypossiblepossiblyagreeableagreeablystablestablyê Retain the final “e” & add –y for adjectives ending with “ive”, e.g.AdjectivesAdverbsAdjectivesAdverbsattentiveattentivelyattractiveattractivelydecisivedecisivelydefensivedefensivelyê Retain the final “e” & add –y for adjectives ending with “e”, e.g.AdjectivesAdverbsAdjectivesAdverbsabsoluteabsolutelyfiercefiercelypolitepolitelysolesolelyê Drop the final “e” & add –y for adjectives ending with “e”, e.g.AdjectivesAdverbsAdjectivesAdverbstruetrulyidleidlywholewhollysubtlesubtlyê Add –ally for adjectives ending with “ic”, e.g.AdjectivesAdverbsAdjectivesAdverbscomiccomicallyheroicheroicallyenergeticenergeticallybasicbasically except: pubic Ò publiclyê Some words ending with “ly” are not adverbs, but adjectives, e.g. friendly, lively, lovely, lonely, costly, ugly, sillyê Some words can be used both as adjectives and adverbs, e.g. fast, hard, late, early, low, high, deep, near, wide short, nearby, likely, early, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
參考: me
2011-09-15 2:43 am
Adverb 在英文十類單詞中,副詞 Adverb 是其中一類。什麼是副詞?副詞是用來形容動詞、形容詞、其他副詞或整個句子的詞。 注意事項: 1. 有些單詞既是副詞,亦是形容詞。當屬於不同詞類時,意義 可能不同。 例如: He studies hard for the test. ﹝他為了考試努力學習。﹞﹝副﹞ Stone is hard. ﹝石頭是硬的。﹞﹝形﹞ This is a hard question. ﹝這是一條難題。﹞﹝形﹞ * "hard"屬副詞時,解作「勤力」;屬形容詞時,解作「硬」、「難」。 You speak English very well. ﹝你說英文說得非常好。﹞﹝副﹞ *"well"與"very"都是副詞;"well"形容"speak","very"形容"well"。 不能說:"You speak English very good."因為"good"是形容詞,不能 形容"speak"。 He is well. ﹝他健康無恙。﹞﹝形﹞ *"well"屬副詞時,解作「好」;屬形容詞時,解作「健康」。2. 同一個副詞放於句中的不同位置,則所形容的對象會有不同, 而整個句子的義意亦有分別。 例如: He did not die happily. ﹝他死得不安樂。﹞ *"happily"形容"die"。 Happily he did not die. ﹝他幸好不死。﹞ *"happily"形容整個句子。 3. 當表示時間和地點的副詞同時在句中靠緊出現時,地點副詞 在前,時間副詞在後。 例如: He will go there tomorrow. *"will"是助動詞,幫助說明「將來」。 *"there"是地點副詞,"tomorrow"是時間副詞。 She will come here tonight. *"here"是地點副詞,"tonight"是時間副詞。 5. 表示事情出現次數多少的副詞,稱為「頻率副詞」Adverb of Frequency。 常見的有: 頻率副詞 % 意義相當的短語 always 總是 100 % all of the time usually 通常 - most of the time often 時常 - much of the time - 50 % - sometimes 有時 - some of the time seldom 很少 - hardly ever never 從不 0 % not ever 例如:He always comes here for lunch. He usually comes here for lunch.He often comes here for lunch.
He sometimes comes here for lunch. He seldom comes here for lunch.He never comes here for lunch.
2011-09-14 2:29 am
1. slowly2. loudly3. carefully 4. clearly5. angrily6. easily7. politely8. happily9. quickly10. heavily11. dangerously 12. hardly13. suddenly14. badly15. nervously16. early
參考: me
2011-09-14 1:49 am
2011-09-14 1:40 am
參考: myself

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