If I don't believe in an unconditional loving & forgiving God, I will be punished for eternity, is that right?

2011-09-12 2:56 am

回答 (47)

2011-09-12 4:18 am
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Technically, since you didn't exist during the time before you were conceived, which was "half" an entire eternity, you can only be punished for (at most) "half" an eternity after you die, minus time served on Earth, which was a gray area between the two halves of eternity, you see...

*passes it over*
2011-09-12 2:58 am
Yes...you will have to pay for your own sins in hell if you don't believe that jesus did that for you.
2011-09-12 2:57 am
You have the right to make your choice. God will honor that choice.
2011-09-12 3:15 am
Romans 5:15-19 GRACE
2011-09-12 3:14 am
No. It is not punishment but the natural consequence of your CHOOSING NOT to accept God's forgiveness.

Forgive others as I have forgiven you.
I’m not here to win a popularity contest, but to witness to and speak the TRUTH.
2011-09-12 2:57 am
If you don't believe, why do you care?
2011-09-12 6:44 am
You've grasped the basic concept, yes. Believe in me or I'll fvck you up forever. God means it in the nicest way, though.
2011-09-12 4:11 am
Sounds like the Devil... Why would a God ever do that to someone? Supposedly, he gave us everything we have...even the bad stuff...

My God loves my sick, twisted sense of humor...and he gives me the ability and mouth to drink vast amounts of tequila, two legs to chase women, and once caught, a means of bringing them happiness and satisfaction...
2011-09-12 3:15 am
2011-09-12 3:03 am
Ah, I see what you did there. However, hell is not punishment, its the only other option. Let me explain: God is perfect and holy and cannot allow sin into his presence (i.e. heaven) God wants all people to repent and believe in Christ so that they can join Him, but billions of people have rejected God. So basically, they have rejected goodness and perfection. Hell is essentially a place without God. So now we can use this in a logical equation: God is perfect and can't tolerate sin in heaven, man chooses to reject God and stick with his sinful spirit, so what happens to him for eternity? Enter hell. Again, hell is not a punishment for people, in fact, it's God giving them exactly what they want, a place without Him.
2011-09-12 3:01 am
Don't you want to be loved and forgiven? And do you want to be punished?
2011-09-12 2:58 am
WRong...........IF you do not repent of Your sins and accept Jesus Christ as you ONLY Atonement you would have forsaken YOUR ONLY way out of being Punished for eternity by the life of sin you now live....
2011-09-12 2:56 am
2011-09-12 3:55 am
There are limits to God's unconditional and forgiving love. Did you read the fine print?
2011-09-12 3:04 am
You are drowning and have been thrown a life preserver. If you think you can swim enough on your own, best of luck.
參考: Ephesians 2:1-2 (NASB) And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.
2011-09-12 3:01 am
If you reject the unconditional love of GOD, you create your own punishment.
Then you'll have eternity to regret your stubborn stupidity; it's self-inflicted.
參考: GOD gave us free-will; we choose how to use it.
2011-09-12 2:57 am
correct. according to mainstream christianity anyway.
2011-09-12 11:01 am
So one of the trillion stories in the naked universe goes...just pick a happier story is all...
2011-09-12 4:31 am
Yes, they will "Darn you to heck"

WOW! 42 answers in two hours. Bravo!
I've only broken the thirty answer barrier a few times, maybe just two..
2011-09-12 4:23 am
If you reject the truth, then yes. The evidence is obvious that God created everything good and our sin with the devil's help messed it up. Pray and receive Christ into your heart today! He loves you and he hasn't given up on you. Don't give up on him.
2011-09-12 4:18 am
Final despair is the unforgivable sin. So take it from there.
2011-09-12 3:08 am
I think you really want to believe in an all loving and forgiving God, but just do not get the concept of it, to believe someone is so perfect, when we are so imperfect.
If you need to question that, then you really care if there is or is not a God, so just do what you gotta do to get forgiven. End of story!
2011-09-12 3:53 am
Man rebelled against God. That is what got us into this mess. If you want forgiven, you must humble yourself before Him, confess your sin, believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and bore the punishment for your sin, surrender your life to Him, ask Him to be the Lord of your life, and become born again.

If you want to avoid the punishment for all eternity for your sin, you must meet all of those conditions.
2011-09-12 3:31 am
nope,you are wrong by what i see
..he died on cross 4 thee)
& ya loved regardless

just like you would still love ya kids regardless.
2011-09-12 3:00 am
If you don't receive Jesus Christ as your savior, Youwill be put in a much warmer place for eternity.
2011-09-12 2:59 am
No, there is STILL a chance you might change your mind!
And He will forgive you of EVERYthing you have EVER EVER done.
Just think about it,...
Loved ones in Heaven waiting on ya, man, I can't wait to see mom and pop.
2011-09-12 3:03 am
not Gods fault if you dont want to be his son you will be the devils one he cant change that.
2011-09-12 3:02 am
indiscriminate and uncondition love is typical Christian rhetoric, no person in their right state of mind can accept this concept.
2011-09-12 2:59 am
God doesn't like troublemakers.

Just kneel down and shut up, or it's the red hot pokers for you!
2011-09-12 3:18 pm
2011-09-12 12:56 pm
Not for eternity, just until he gets bored with you
and moves on to the next sinner.
2011-09-12 5:09 am
You need to read it in the bible yourself and pray to get a real answer. May god bless you with the rest of your life.
2011-09-12 3:10 am
Hell is just the grave. Man has corrupted the biblical meaning of that word to mean a place of fiery torment. This is a pagan teaching from ancient Babylon. If God had created a place of torment for sinners he would have told Adam and Eve. All he told Adam was that if he ate of the fruit he would die. What is death? The Bible explains. (Ecclesiastes 9:5-6) 5 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.
So how would you know if you were burning or not? God says the wages for our sins is death. (Romans 6:23) 23 For the wages sin pays is death,. . .
So again we see that word death. Not eternal torment. Mankind has taken symbolic scriptures and made them literal. Such as (Revelation 20:14-15) 14 And death and Ha'des were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire. 15 Furthermore, whoever was not found written in the book of life was hurled into the lake of fire.
Now how can death and hades be thrown into anything? If Hades is hell, why would God throw it into itself? Hell and hades are just the grave. So this verse has more meaning if you understand that death and the grave are destroyed forever. That is what the lake of fire represents. Total destruction. Then Rev 21:4 makes more sense also because it says that death will be no more. No death, no graves. For more info go to www.watchtower.org
2011-09-12 3:09 am
"hell" is not burning somewhere now, and will not be a place where people will be standing around "burning" all day every day forever and ever. Think about it... if you start a fire what happens to that fire eventually? It goes out. When all the wood that you put on the fire is gone, the fire goes out. Now try to reconstruct the wood from the ashes. The wood is "forever" gone. Meaning that it won't ever be a piece of wood again. This is the true meaning of "forever" when it is talking about hell. But to answer your question... if you choose not to believe in God, why would you want to live with Him? Wouldn't that be more of a "hell" than simply dying and never being around again?
2011-09-12 3:02 am
According to the New Testament, yes. According to me, I sincerely doubt it.
2011-09-12 3:01 am
No its not
just follow your heart
thats all he wants
2011-09-12 3:01 am
according to god yes
2011-09-12 2:59 am
...have you considered who specifically eternal punishment is meant for?:

Revelation 20

10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
2011-09-12 2:59 am
You have a problem with that?
2011-09-12 3:11 am
For the 10 millionth time, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do the trolls never read the answers?

Now this time, pay attention! I have said it too many times, but you refuse to listen! (What that says about you, I don't know!)

You go to hell for the same reason a person goes to prison - if they are guilty of breaking the law!

If you fall into a deep hole that you can't climb your way out of, and some one with a rope offers to pull you out but you reject the offer, would you REALLY blame the person or the rope for your condition when you suffer down at the bottom of that pit?

And yet that is exactly what you're accusing God of. You're already guilty, and hell awaits us; but God said He doesn't want ANY to go there, but that ALL would turn to Him and repent. If you reject His offer to rescue you from your sins along with their eternal consequences, it's on your own head!

God is trying to get you OUT of hell! By pushing Him away and rejecting Him, you are rejecting His rescue attempts!

You don't go to hell for rejecting God; you get OUT of hell for turning to Him; but you go to hell for your sins!

You think you might possibly get it this time? Or will this same foolish question be asked again?

God MUST judge sin - ALL sin - or heaven would quickly become as morally corrupt as earth, and infinitely more so.

But if you hold on to your sins in THIS life, those very same sins will hold on to YOU in the NEXT life; and when God throws those sins into hell where they belong, they will drag you, kicking and screaming, all the way down with them!

God wants to rescue you from your sins (and yes, I know I'm repeating myself. Maybe, just maybe, you atheist mockers will get it through your stubborn heads if I repeat it enough times!) - but God wants to rescue you from the sins that will drag you into hell.

But you love your sin and immorality too much to let them go, so you push God away instead. But that's YOUR choice; and YOU are responsible and nobody else! You can either push your sins away, or you push God away. God's home is heaven, and He's inviting you to live there. But if you push God away, you're also pushing heaven away. You can't have it both ways. You can't enter heaven with sins; and you can't travel both east and west at the same time. You either follow your sins into hell, or you turn your back on your sins and follow Jesus into heaven. YOUR CHOICE!

YOU choose which way you want to go! Don't blame God when you reject every attempt to rescue your foolish soul! That's YOUR CHOICE! YOU rejected the offer, and YOU get to take responsibility for pushing heaven away.

If a person walks away from a warm bonfire in the middle of winter, does he blame the fire when his body temperature starts dropping? Of course not! Only a fool would blame the fire when he's the one who walked away!

But that's exactly what you're doing with God - you walk away from God and heaven, then blame God because you won't be there! Quit pushing heaven away! (I mean, like DUH! If a dad offers his child a candy bar, and the child pushes the candy bar away, it's not the dad's fault!)

I've repeated this now quite a few times. Maybe you'll have enough sense to understand that it is YOUR choice, not God's! God already sent Jesus to die on the cross in your place to rescue you from hell! YOU CHOOSE! And YOU face the consequences of your choices! (You getting it yet?)
2011-09-12 2:57 am
If that is the way you feel, yes.
2011-09-12 2:58 am
Wrong. If you are found guilty of being a sinner, by not accepting the free gift of salvation from Jesus Christ, you will be permanently and completely cast away from God. At that time you will realize how much you needed God to begin with, and your own conscience will do the punishing. Hell is self-imposed torture; your own conscience can hurt you a lot more than God can.
2011-09-12 2:58 am

That certainly would NOT be right!

But not to fear, it isn't going to happen.


What do think Hell really is?

Old Testament (Hebrew) - Sheol is just the grave.

New Testament (Greek) - Hades is just the grave.

Hell is just the grave.

If you were taught that it is an eternal burning fire, stoked by Satan, please realize that the Bible says at Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:13, 14, and Revelation 21:8 that Hades and Satan are both destroyed.

Verse 8 says that the "Lake Of Fire" is DEATH.

It says that ALL LIARS are thrown there.

Satan IS a liar. John 8:44

Satan DIES.

The Bible says so !

No Satan+No Hades, means there is no eternal burning hellfire.

參考: . Christian Witness of Jehovah for 41 years. .
2011-09-12 2:59 am
You are having no mercy on me so i will have none for oyu so stay out of my church-god alone.
For all your dreams and wishes too come true and for greater glory and fullness of graces,explore and discover the many gifts of Apparitions that God has sent for your spiritual guidance,enjoyment,and enrichment for great will be your rewards and treasure stored in heaven and carry a Holy SCAPULAR on you always and you will be saved.
Pray the Holy Rosary for world peace and for all of Gods children too pray the Holy Rosary.
Here is a blessing and a our father prayed for you all,and Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

The Holy Family.
參考: The Holy Apostle James the Greater
2011-09-12 2:58 am
Lol. Yes, exactly. Makes a lot of sense, eh?
2011-09-12 2:58 am
if you believe that, then you are a foolish theist.

.....uuuuugh... look theres a bunch of those foolish christians now just below
2016-11-08 2:34 pm
that's what anybody got here to this earth to learn. The "Agapa" love, meaning unconditional. We does not be right here if we knew the thank you to act to that end. all of us "fall short," or shrink to rubble each so oftentimes. the ten "instructions." have been greater like the ten Questions in that's unique form. have you ever enjoyed the Lord your God...? the 1st one capped something. in case you probably did love... then you definately did no longer scouse borrow, homicide, lie and so on. Love is the main severe and the least understood. that's ok too, as that's what we are right here for. to discover out how. i could say none people be attentive to the thank you to love. (i do no longer use that as an out for myself, yet for others.) there is likewise a asserting, "Love with out appearing upon it particularly is ineffective. 'Works' with out Love is ineffective additionally." some people get caught on phrases. Can relate to a be conscious, yet while yet another faith has a counterpart be conscious for a similar factor, those people actually freeze up, eyes glazing over. The be conscious "sin" is used lots, meaning "mistake." that's okay to make a screw up in case you learn from it. As mothers and fathers, all of us be attentive to that. It does not recommend the youngster is condemned to the basement for all his life using fact he made some "undesirable" selections, in spite of the certainty that it particularly is beneficial to place him there if he keeps harming your different childrens.

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