Christians, Non-Christians and Atheists, what does money mean to you?

2011-09-12 2:38 am
Happiness? Security? Power? Status? Or you associate it with something negative?

回答 (20)

2011-09-12 2:40 am
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2011-09-12 9:41 am
Fiat Money (The markers known as Dollars issued by the FED) are only for paying Fiat Debt. Everything else has real value.
2011-09-12 9:47 am
Security. Without money you get no food, water, or shelter. You have to have money to be able to survive comfortably in this world.
參考: Atheist.
2011-09-12 9:46 am
Unfortunately, it's life. We revolve around it.
2011-09-12 9:43 am
Atheist here.

Money is simply a medium of exchange. It makes economic transactions easier, makes stockpiling resources for later use easier. It doesn't have any more meaning than that.

From a life stance, having some level of money does make life happier by making a number of routine bits of life easier. But money in and of itself is not happiness.
2011-09-12 9:43 am
Money is simply a necessity. Having it makes many things, but not all things, easier. Not having it makes many things much more difficult. I've been poor, middle class, and wealthy. They all have their difficulties, but I had joy and love in my life in each class.

~Agnostic atheist; ex-Christian; former new ager
2011-09-12 9:42 am
It's nice to have enough to live on, according to the statistics I'm supposed to be an average earner in the UK but it doesn't feel like that, I feel poor. Everyone wants more money though.
2011-09-12 9:42 am
It's a way of trading value, nothing more. For example, I provide work that is rated at a given value to my employer and it pays me in money. I can then trade that money for other goods and services. It simply is nothing other than a medium of trade.
2011-09-12 9:41 am
it just means life is more comfortable! I dont expect money to fall in my lap, i work hard for it and i enjoy it! i help others in need, but rather than just give money away i find clothes and food help as well as eductation
參考: Aussie Atheist
2011-09-12 9:41 am
Could use a little more of it!
參考: Actually a lot more!
2011-09-12 9:41 am
I use it to care for my kids. I'm not into money really. Can't buy happiness with it.
2011-09-12 9:41 am
it is something that i expect to get at the end of a hard week at work. it pays the bills and puts food on the table.
2011-09-12 9:41 am
Same as it does to you.
2011-09-12 9:41 am
i'm an agnostic
to me,
happiness=the right amt of serotonin
power=money & jobs
status=social class
2011-09-12 9:41 am
Food for the Athiests.
Like sheep EAT! EAT! M********* EAT!
2011-09-12 9:40 am
only status but it does not give happiness.
2011-09-12 9:40 am
money is a means to an end. it isn't all that important to me. i don't need or even want to be rich if i have just enough to get by i will be content.
參考: Atheist
2011-09-12 9:40 am
Money is just a way to stay alive in our world.
參考: I'm a Mormon
2011-09-12 9:40 am
a means to buy food and clothing and pay bills
2011-09-12 9:40 am
Security, some sort of status possibly.
The other two, not so much.

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