if aliens exist does that disprove god ?

2011-09-12 2:35 am
hi i was just curious if aliens exist, that disproves god correct ? I am curious because i don't have a religion NOT SAYING GOD DOESN"T EXIST but i believe in aliens.. and if i do, that means i can't be christian because i believe thre is no god ? right ? thansk

回答 (22)

2011-09-12 2:44 am
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No, it doesn't. Many people believe that Aliens exist. The Cosmos is huge and vast and has billions of stars and planets, so surely there must be other life out there some where.
2011-09-12 2:38 am
Aliens do not prove nor disprove that there is or is not a god or God. No bible says anything about aliens therefore it is up to the reader's interperitation.
2011-09-12 2:36 am
If always if.
2011-09-12 2:36 am
I don't think so. The religious people would just have to reevaluate how they defined their god.
2011-09-12 2:40 am
I don't think so. If God created humans, why couldn't he create life on other planets?
2011-09-12 2:39 am
no it does not disprove god
2011-09-12 2:37 am
God created the Universe

we can't believe we are the only life forms

He created them too
2011-09-12 2:37 am
no God never said they did not.
2011-09-12 2:36 am
well..if so..then there is absolutely no god
if i had a dime for every illegal i've seen...
2011-09-12 2:36 am
No,not really.
2011-09-12 2:49 am
I am not a religious person, but in my opinion the existence of aliens would go no further to disprove the existence of God than the existence of man does. The Bible says that God created all things, the heavens and the earth, why would aliens not, in a Christian view, be just another thing he created? Simply because they are not from earth does not remove them from the sphere of God's influence, does it? If the aliens have their 'own' god, who is to say it is not the same God, but by another name?
Too many Christians, in my opinion, tend to be selfish with God, setting conditions and boundaries for those who would seek him out. For some reason I don't think that was what Jesus was saying. You have a curious mind, keep using it.
2011-09-12 2:49 am
Only a very, very few Christians believe as part of their religion that extraterrestrial life does not exist.

For almost all of Christianity, their religious beliefs never mention extraterrestrial life other than God and the angels.

That is: Christianity does not teach that extraterrestrials do not exist. If it was discovered that they do exist, the religious beliefs of very, very few Christians would be affected in any way. For those very, very few Christians who believe in "no extraterrestrials", they would probably still believe in God - just not in the teachings about extraterrestrials.

- Jim, http://www.bible-reviews.com/
2011-09-12 2:44 am
Aliens exists and God too, 65:12,we are informed,"God is He Who created seven heavens and of the earth a similar number..."
Earth has creatures as humans and animals, when it is said Earth it means worlds with same contents as Earth.
參考: Qur'an
2011-09-12 2:43 am
No. Just means that if He exists, He created life on other planets as well as earth. I can't imagine we're the only planet in the universe with life, but anything is possible.
2011-09-12 2:40 am
God created all that exists.

If aliens exist, God created them.
Perhaps He used Alien evolution to create them,
but God is the only true creative source of anything or anyone.

By that I mean that only God can create material things without using material ingredients.

I am Roman Catholic.
Peace be with you.
2011-09-12 2:37 am
Is there anything of which one can say, "Look! This is something new"? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.
(Ecclesiastes 1:10)

Google 'Nephilim', there's your aliens for you.
2011-09-12 2:36 am
Which God? Say if aliens do exist, and they have their own God?
參考: Atheist.
2011-09-12 2:42 am
Aliens are Satan's evil spirits in disguise.
2011-09-12 10:13 am
Aliens do not exist but God "created all things". Revelation 4:11
2011-09-12 2:39 am
If sentient aliens existed, then yes, it would would put a kink into Christian theology. However, they have a small out in the verse where it talks about Jesus' "other sheep". Of course this would be negated if the aliens did not have something similar to a Jesus figure or if they had never conceived of a god or gods.
2011-09-12 2:39 am
not necessarily. it would cause lots of squabbles but they would do what they do with the flat earth thing and the whole the sky is a bubble with water outside of it. they would, if aliens were proven to exist, simply say oh well when the bible says the universe was made around the earth it means god likes the earth be

either that or they would say the aliens were demons or some such other non sense.
2011-09-12 2:39 am
No, I don't think it disproves there's a God. And what do you define by aliens? Creepy creatures or people like us who live outside earth. For a matter of fact there actually are other people like us who live on a different planet outside of this universe. It's hard for mortal brains like us to comprehend, especially if you are into science. But faith helps us to believe all things that are true which are not seen.
參考: I'm a Mormon. See mormon.org :)

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