透明顏色 n 個 問題?

2011-09-12 7:14 am
透明顏色 n 個 問題?


1. 為什麼物光線可以穿過透明的物質? (沒有反射)
2. 為什麼會有透明的物質?
3. 為什麼可以看見透明的物質?
4. 為什麼有些顏色可以被光線穿透 (如: 玻璃黃,藍).
5. 玻璃為什麼....

請問物質不一定有顏色嗎? 世上有沒有人類看不見的物質呢?

回答 (3)

2011-09-17 11:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案




5.你問d咩?= =

參考: ME
2011-09-13 4:55 am
These are very difficult question , if you a study in secondary school ,you may shouldn't understand !

(1,2 ) Because some of element or compound the structure and the electron layer the electron will be absorb some wave (the color is show by wavelength)
and make the different thing have different color!

(3) you can see colorless thing because the colorless structure have reflection and refraction ,so you can see some light go to your eye,therefore you can see the colorless thing!

(4)because the color is very pale and this color mix with glass and can let the light across !

(5).........the question is .......?

The all of element some have color or haven't color ! Bases on the structure ! Finally , of course have element colorless ,e.g. oxygen (gas) !
參考: myself ---copyright !!!
2011-09-13 2:39 am
1. 其實真係冇解, 係穿就穿, 係唔穿就唔穿, 物理properties
2. 可以理解作為物質之間的結構不同lo, 即係potential energy 大小
3. 你甩得到就唔係會全透, 你見唔到既先至係真係全透( air), 你見到以為係全透因為唔全全透
4. 取決有咩colour 可以穿透. 好似可以全白光透, 即係全透 明既. 有d 會俾紅光穿透, 就見到紅色透明野.
5. 唔一定有colour. For visible. 因為你讀深d 會知hydrogen 都有colour. 你理解為物質唔一定有colour 啦. gas 就係.

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