
2011-09-12 1:38 am

thankyou for your sugestions My daughter's school follows really strict rules. The point is that we haven't really decided to send my daughter to UK or not. We want to look at her results in the following examinations first.


But we also wanted to apply for the UK school and it's nearly the deadline. So is it okay if you can help me to write a letter to the principal as I am not really familiar at those letter format and not really good at English? thank you so much.

回答 (2)

2011-09-16 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Letter asking the principle for the Testimonial
My Dear Principle,
I am Mrs.------, the mother of your student Mr.------- who has been studying in your High School or Middle School for over five years and will be graduated after the final examination in July, 2012. It is my cherishing hope that my son might be able to study abroad in UK. Regarding this, I would be heartily grateful if you could write a testimonial on recommendation. So that I'll be able to use for applying Universities in UK. Your kindness for helping my son will be deeply appreciated.
Yours Sincerely,

Name; Mrs-------
Address: ---------
Phone No.:------
2011-09-12 3:16 pm
ok, then just go to the school and talk to the princple ask for the recomentaion letter, i sure he/she can write one...

remember the school princple is not a king, he/she just a manager for the school and you are their big customer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:28:38
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