People don't have enough cash to spend during vacation?

2011-09-10 5:16 pm
I heard that 60% of american could not afford carrying more than1000 dollars cash during vacation. This is ridiculous. Anyone can explain? When I went to France, Italy, Japan, China, South Africa and Finland for vacation, I brought at least 5000 dollars cash to spend cos I was worried about credit theft. People dont save money at all? How dumb is that to not save for emergency fund and fund for leisure

回答 (5)

2011-09-10 7:55 pm
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I completely agree that it's dumb not to save for an emergency, but personally I don't see any need to budget $5000 to spend while on vacation. The best things in life are free - and one certainly doesn't need to have $5k in spending money while on vacation just to enjoy yourself - even when traveling to more expensive destinations. Blowing through $5k on a vacation just on spending money not the vacation itself is what is ridiculous.

Your logic for carrying cash instead of using credit cards is just foolish - if you're robbed the old-fashioned way (still far more common than identity theft) you have absolutely no recourse to get your money back. If you're using a credit card you can report it stolen and not be liable for any purchases you didn't make.

I don't think you're in any position to criticize others when you're spending excessive amounts and unsafely at that.
2011-09-11 12:29 am
It's not that we can't afford to, it's that we think it would be absurd to do such a thing. Five thousand dollars? In cash? For vacation? That's an astounding waste of money. I don't think I've ever spent that much for a family vacation, and I've got four kids.
2011-09-11 3:19 am
I went to Europe, Paris, Rome, the works. It was fun, I wont lie. My best vacation, though, was here right in my country camping by the Grand Canyon for next to notihing a night with my family and friends. Money doesn't make a vacation memorable...
2011-09-11 12:22 am
Never mind criticizing people for not having enough cash when on vacation. UNLESS you are really upper class, own your cash-cow type of business, are single and making at least $60k a year, MAKE SURE YOU YOURSELF do not spend so much on vacations! Remember nothing, not even SOCIAL SECURITY benefits, unemployment, disability, nor welfare are any longer SECURE!!!!
2011-09-11 12:18 am
you might be criticizing individuals for not planning their vacation money properly but look further, like the US Gov't that is spending money like there is no end and a good portion of it is borrowed money!

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