How to get out of the friend zone?

2011-09-10 5:03 am
I'm in 8th grade, and he's in 9th. We're extremely great friends (i.e. we can do anything or say anything around each other and will never think what the other person says/does is awkward or weird, we love speaking to each other and always hug, have a billion inside jokes, etc.). I'm not sure if he likes me, but every time someone sits in my spot (which is next to his) at lunch, he either makes them move or offers for me to sit on his lap instead. He stares at me whenever we're in the same room, but I'm talking to someone else, and vice versa. How do I get out of the friend zone, and ask him out? If he really doesn't like me, which there's a possibility, it would ruin our already great friendship I'd rather have than asking him out and risk making things awkward.

回答 (4)

2011-09-10 5:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Aw! Sounds like he's mad into you. You need to right situation. Try hanging out more 1-1. Like going on a walk around town or if your town has a lake or fishing dock. Don't forget to make some light physical contact (such as lightly punching him if he makes a crass joke, or bumping into him while walking). I think that's how me and my 9th grade girlfriend got out of the friend zone. Good luck!
2011-09-10 12:12 pm
Guys are easy. 99% of the time they would prefer being more than friends with a girl OVER a friendship. SO, flirt with him a little more and see how he responds. Step it up a notch.
He would probably LOVE to take your friendship to the next level.

Good luck!
(writer -
2011-09-10 12:10 pm
He's into you, just tell him how you feel about him and see where things go from there.
2011-09-10 12:08 pm
Do your studies and don't ask him out. Don't take a chance of making things awkward.

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