do you think George W Bush , he was defeated in Iraq ?

2011-09-10 12:39 am

回答 (13)

2011-09-10 2:33 am
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BUSH wasn't in Iraq. Our troops were. You CHILDREN really crack me up with your ignorance.
2011-09-10 8:08 am
No, Last time i recalled the U.S. toppled Saddam Hussein's regime within a few weeks. After Saddam Hussein's fall-down, Al-Qaeda insurgency rises up and swarm into Iraq.
2011-09-10 7:43 am
No, why would anyone with a half a brain think that?
2011-09-10 7:42 am
ask Saddam Hussein
2011-09-10 7:41 am
Hell no, we destroyed the iraqi military in record time.
2011-09-10 7:41 am
Yeah I also think Nazi Germany won WWII.
2011-09-10 8:20 am
No. We won the war against Saddam Hussein. We are currently in a war against the insurgents. We are leaving at the request of the Iraqi government. What exactly did we lose?
2011-09-10 8:10 am
hahaha, no he was not. He was victorious... although he didn't fight in Iraq. so, the US military people who make sure you get a good education and sleep soundly won the war in iraq.
2011-09-10 7:39 am
2011-09-10 7:40 am
No. If I understand your question correctly, the US won the war in a month or two. Then engaged in rebuilding and fighting an insurgency, while helping establish a freely elected Democratic government in Iraq.

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