
2011-09-10 5:05 am
計時炸彈放入微波爐會失效? 我岩岩睇"潛行狙擊" 時候 佢話計時炸彈放入微波爐之後 其他人就引爆唔到- - 從物理學的角度黎講 點解釋? 係咪微波爐入面放出的微波同 引爆器的紅外線 產生相消干涉? 定係微波爐表面的柵欄令紅外線入唔到去?

回答 (4)

2011-09-16 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
please watch this demo video of what happens when you put a C4 bomb in a microwave:

2011-09-16 00:20:16 補充:
in fact, it even says in the episode that he has microwaved the bomb to make it not go off. so the theory of the microwave case blocking outside microwaves cannot be applied in this, as the microwave oven itself created a lot more microwaves...
參考: , mythbusters
2011-09-14 1:34 am
計時器的體積可以很細, 所以, 沒有必要把計時器安裝在其它位置, 直接把它們安裝到起爆雷管上就可以了, 只要用遙控器把計時器開啟後, 就沒有需要再用到遙控了, 因此, 想用微波爐隔絕電磁波的功能? 應該要在辣薑開計時器前搶先把炸彈放到微波爐才有用.

而且, 鞏SIR說「放入去叮一叮」(有看到微波爐有著燈), 假如炸彈是液體炸藥(含水分)或含有金屬成份(例如鋁, 鎂)的話, 叮一叮只會令到炸彈加熱.

舊西片潛龍轟天都有劇情提過微波爐炸彈, 不過, 是借用了微波爐的計時和加熱功能來引爆炸彈, 而不是用微波爐來拆炸彈.

另外, 你們有無見過拆彈專家會帶著微波爐去拆炸彈?
2011-09-13 4:34 am
This is because microwave case can make the wave neither inlet nor outlet , so if you put the button of bomb isn't let the wave to microwave case.
Therefore , the bomb is not occur !
參考: myself ---copyright !!!
2011-09-10 7:00 am
In domestic microwave oven, the microwave chamber is lined with netal, and the oven glass door is llined with a wired mesh. Such design prevents the leakage of microwave from the oven.

Conversely, if the chamber could prevent microwave leakage, it could also prevents microwave from outside entering into the chamber. Hence, anything, including a bomb, that is put inside the mocrowave chamber would not be triggered by microwavecoming from the outside.

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 14:07:49
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