What does evolution believe? Have no idea................?

2011-09-09 4:37 am

回答 (20)

2011-09-09 4:47 am
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it came from nothing......
2011-09-09 11:38 am
What? Evolution is the change of species over time
2011-09-09 11:40 am
Evolution is a process. It does not have beliefs of any type.
2011-09-09 11:40 am
Short version:

Frog+kiss=man --> Fairy Tale

Frog+time=man --> Evolution

Hope that helps.
2011-09-09 11:39 am
Evolution is a (scientific) theory of how life began and how it develops.
參考: It is not a religion.
2011-09-09 11:41 am
Read two books by the two giants in the field of evolutionary biology.

1. Why Evolution is True, by Jerry Coyne, Ph. D., professor of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago.

2. The Greatest Show on Earth... the evidence for evolution by Richard Dawkins.

If you read at the level of a 16 year old, and understand English, and concepts, you'll have no problems with either of these.

If you don't read well, and have no background at all in grade 10 biology, you will struggle.
參考: science teacher, 26 years. I teach this stuff at the secondary level.
2011-09-09 11:40 am
Please read a dictionary and learn the definition of the word 'evolution'
2011-09-09 11:39 am
Believe me, you're going to have to read books and do a lot of research.

Evolution isn't as simple as "Evolution did it" so therefore it takes time and effort to understand evolution. Which is probably why so many people lack any real knowledge of evolution these days. If you look at the "Theory" of evolution, then it will look ridiculous if you don't know of or understand the evidence that supports it.
2011-09-09 11:47 am
Read a science book. I'm tired of explaining it you dumbasses.

The Theory of Evolution doesn't "believe" anything either btw. It explains; and that's also the difference between retard azz christ-o-philes and people living in the real world. You *believe* stupid, story book horsesh*t, we *explain* the world and universe we inhabit with math and science.
2011-09-09 11:43 am
me neither
2011-09-09 11:43 am
Evolution is an idea. It does not "believe" in anything.
2011-09-09 11:42 am
Evolution is not a belief, it's a fact.
參考: Biology.
2011-09-09 11:42 am
2011-09-09 11:41 am
That's your failing, not that of evolution!
2011-09-09 11:48 am
Evolution, of course, believes nothing. It is a belief, which takes way more faith to follow than any other man made religion or even the true God given faith.

But evolution would be nowhere were it not for "quantum vacuum fluctuation"
According to the brilliant minds of our time, this little quantum jewel is responsible for producing both time and space and everything we know to be real.
2011-09-09 11:44 am
They have many fabricated stories of what happened and have changed their minds about things dozens of times. But the stories don't hold true as the dating system is faulty and some other things have been proven false that they have taught as true evidence. For instance there was no Neanderthal man as the evolutionists have claimed for many years.
2011-09-09 11:40 am
Evoluntionists believe that God does not exist.
2011-09-09 11:39 am
Retake middle school.
參考: stop troll failing. it's annoying.
2011-09-09 11:40 am
Basically, there was a magical talking monkey and it turned into people.
If you believe in that I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.
2011-09-09 11:41 am
"Devilution; Evilution; Evolution: The process by which sinful man, believing himself to be wise, fabricated false imaginary stages based on pure non-scientific nonsense, in an attempt to explain the amazing intelligent design found in all creation, including humans, in order to deny the existence of God."

If you want the FACTS about evolution, see http://creation.com/.
Then see http://www.evolutionisstupid.com/

Also read The Greatest Hoax on Earth? Refuting Dawkins on Evolution by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati

Don't listen to the atheists/evolutionists on here - they get all defensive when we question their religion.
參考: I'm one of those crazy, Bible-believing creationists :)

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