Which religion results in least amount of racism? Which results in the most? Explain?

2011-09-09 3:03 am

回答 (19)

2011-09-09 3:04 am
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All religious people are hypocrites
2011-09-09 10:07 am
that is nothing to do with which religion, it is about the hearts and minds of men. If they stick to the Love of Christ and His teachings, there would be no room or time in the day for it.
2011-09-09 10:07 am
Bhuddism = Least
Christianity = Most
2011-09-09 10:04 am
least amount of racism?...uhhh...worship of the great mountain juju
2011-09-09 10:09 am
Judaism is an awesome religion. We don't kill people for not being Jewish, and we accept people from all races.
I don't want to badmouth another religion by saying it results in the most racism.
2011-09-09 10:09 am
Baha'i. We believe in the unity of mankind and inter-racial marriage is common. We have members of every possible race and ethnicity. Any kind of racism goes against our teachings.

"All peoples and nations are of one family, the children of one Father, and should be to one another as brothers and sisters!" (Abdul-Baha)

I'm Caucasian, my wife of 19 years is from India. A Baha'i couple we are visiting tomorrow are comprised of an African American husband and Iranian wife.

No religion in particular causes racism; it is the result of ignorance and superstition.
2011-09-09 10:09 am
Whichever religion has the most extremists will have the most. No. 1 Islam, they blow themselves up just to kill others because they actually believe that God wants that. No.2 Christianity, there's a lot of Christians, and the very conservative ones are cutthroat. But moderates of both of these groups tend to be good people.
The least amount racism would probably be found in Buddhists or Quakers.
2011-09-09 10:17 am
The dali lamas monks still have slaves they call them livestock with a voice. The one that is least predigest is the one that does not go to war and kill thy neighbour. They would have to be ones that would Rather go to prison or concentration camps Rather than go to war and kill. Only one religion can claim that and that's Jehovah's Witnesses.
參考: holocaust museum, history books
2011-09-09 10:10 am
I would say:

Least = No Religion/Atheist, Buddhist/Taoist, Pagan, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish
Most = Protestant
2011-09-09 10:10 am
Caste -oriented forms of Hinduism would be the most racist theoreticallyand there are forms that reject caste

Universal religions like Christianity, Islam and Buddhism should be the least but often they have not been
2011-09-09 10:10 am
there is no religion that outright endorses racism. i have heard that moslems have a bias towards certain ethnic groups, due to the sunni/shia schism. like all power structures, religions have been abused to justify racism, but not in their accepted canons of dogma. probably the religion which perhaps inadvertently causes the most overt racism in the world today is the caste system in india, which condemns people to lower social status based on their birth into certain families. i believe that is in hinduism
2011-09-09 10:14 am
Buddhism the least. Its about excepting things as they are. The most Christianity it's full of racism and sexism.
2011-09-09 10:07 am
least? hmmm buddhists?

most? mormons? they had "sin makes your skin go black" for quite awhile and i never see a black priest

and probs judaism because of its basic structure.
2011-09-09 10:10 am
Least= Jainism, because of humanism and peace

Most= Abrahamic faiths, their God is just horrible
2011-09-09 10:09 am
Chistianity is non-racist since not any race can claim that they are its originator.
2011-09-09 10:05 am
Ever heard of any racist Jainists? Probably them. They're lovely folks.
2011-09-09 10:25 am
The least are Jehovah's Witnesses as they learn spiritual brothers and sisters are truly in all races and people. In African nations, tribal wars flare up all the time. Tribalism, a form of racism, is when members of a tribe kill another simply because of being born into a different tribe. Jehovah's Witnesses have hidden their brothers and sisters from other tribes from those matchety weilding militia groups out to kill them. Risking their own lives in the process.

In the summer district conventions, members of several races and nations come together in peace and happiness. No problems at all. In the US South of the 1960s, white and black members of congregations were separate. Not out of superiority, but to not stumble new people just coming in. As soon as the public became tolerant, we all merged without any difficulty.

All of this from being united in spiritual brotherhood as befits followers of Jesus' orders at John 13:34-35. The question you should be asking is why are not others who "claim" to be Christian doing the same thing long ago?
2011-09-09 10:16 am
No religion. No racism. Religion results in the most. Religion is not what God had planed for us. It is pagan. They worship idols. They worship gold and silver. They worship themselves. They deem themselves clean after going to church for 1 hour.

This was not the plan God has for us. He said "Upon Peter I will build my church." When you look at what was said. "Upon Peter." You will not find religion there. Peter was a man. He knew God. He knew Jesus. Upon Peter was placed no religion. It was a church. The church is not a religion. The church is the people. Before Jesus left them He told them one last thing. "Do unto others as I have done for you." The others are the people. He did not say "the others of your religion."
2011-09-09 10:15 am

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