The President' propaganda is on 10 TV stations. Has the Government taken over? major communications lines?

2011-09-09 12:43 am
You can only get Rush and George Noory on the radio.

回答 (3)

2011-09-09 12:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
hahahah My tv is not one of those and it has an OFF button.
2011-09-09 7:52 am
ah well an electronic jammer could be usefull or a spam box for the media.
you know how to create spam file on net right? just click create spam file organize like blog then put next to media articles or a spam site called wwww.spamedia.protect.
then direct to there.
參考: spam box idea. electronic jammer
2011-09-09 7:45 am
It has been commonplace for DECADES for the major networks (and more recently, the cable networks) to carry a presidential speech; don't get your ultra-conservative knickers in a knot over it.

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