Psychology: I need some advice as to why I immediately cry when someone mentions...?

2011-09-08 2:39 pm
my weight.

I'm normally a very together person, people usually refer to me as "unemotional" because I'm not comfortable being open about how I feel and showing how I feel.

Lately I've been feeling really down, especially about my weight. I used to be a size 8 a year ago and I went to buy some clothes the other day and I'm now a size 12. It's disgusting, I feel like a fat **** and just feel like lashing out. I get so angry when people comment on my weight but when certain people like my uncle says "oh yeah she'll come to dinner, there's food there haha" or "you should look more like your sister, the size 0 look" I can't tell him to **** off.

It hurts SO much, tears just stream down my face when they say things like that. My parents think I'm being a stupid idiot and are really not supportive or understanding, I'm the "unloved" child who is of no concern to them at the moment, just pushed to the side. I feel like **** and I'm really angry.

When I cry they tell me off, I grew up in a house where I was taught crying is wrong and used to get beaten and scolded more if I did cry.

I have a history of starving myself when I had depression a few years ago and self-harm but nobody knows about this, I don't talk to people about my things cos nobody is supportive or understands. I just want to be alone and cry.

I don't know why I'm like this, I need help and don't know the root of the problem, it just started happening a week ago and has happened a few times.

回答 (4)

2011-09-08 2:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe your pregnate!
2011-09-08 9:48 pm
Hormones. I hate them, I've been getting very emotional and self conscious ever since puberty started. I hope you will feel better soon. By the way, if you really want to lose weight, try drinking apple cider vingear each day. My mom is always called fat, same with many of her friends. But who give a ****!! They are Asshole. People talk about my acne all the time **** them they don't even care if I'm sad or not. "Don't turn ur emotional life over for others to manipulate"
2011-09-08 10:33 pm
Dont often share your feelings, lends little experience in dealing with your feelings. Encorage common sencein your logic while in the thought process. If that seems rational the decision on how to act when the feelings/situation arrises is a path of mentally being prepared. If that cant be attained personally iu could be Chemical imbalance and you should talk to a doc. And, Just know that a confident Size12 is as sexy as size8 anyday
2011-09-08 9:41 pm
I'm not a psychologist and I've never taken a psychology class but if I had to guess based on the knowledge I have of psychology, when you were young someone made fun of your weight, someone you were close to, and it stuck with you.

Edit: If you want to stop being sensitive about your weight, diet and exercise fatty. No need to starve yourself, just stop being so pathetic and do some exercise and skip out on that extra burger.

Edit: How you feel about yourself is up to you. You're just an over privileged baby.

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