Will there be an iPhone 4GS?

2011-09-08 10:16 am
Should I get the iPhone 4 or wait for the 4GS? I don't want to get the iPhone 5 because it will be too expensive.

回答 (3)

2011-09-08 10:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
No there is no need for a 4gs as it is perfect wait for 5th it will be worth it
2011-09-08 5:17 pm
There will be no 4GS the white one is the 4Gs... but its no different
The Iphone 5 is next and will be out in a month or so. the price shouldnt be much different if anything cheaper!
2011-09-08 5:17 pm
it's coming out in Oct. you should get the 4gs.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:47:12
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