
2011-09-08 11:24 pm
法院的錢債案, 如被告已付清所有的債款, 原告堅持要被告付訟費及利息. 請問此二筆費用應該怎計?

回答 (2)

2011-09-12 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
訟費及利息 係須由法庭的命令(Order)或判決(Judgment)中頒布,並唔係由原告話要比就要比。

你可參考返你個case 既法庭文件之中既Order, judgment 睇睇有冇命令列明你是須要支付訟費及利息 。如冇,你唔須理會佢。

如已有Order, judgment 列明須支付利息,則會列明利息的計算方法。

如已有Order, judgment 列明須支付訟費,(除非法庭已評定了一個數額的訟費),否則一般都是先由雙方傾掂一個數,傾唔掂就交由法庭評定。
2011-09-09 8:59 am
It depends on if there is a judgment.

If there is no judgment (which the case is in progress), you can choose to pay it or not. However, the Plaintiff can request the court to award those against you (which the amount in dispute will be the cost and interest).

If there is a judgment specifying you need to pay those, then you have no choice but to pay.

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