Why is it when someone comments on my weight, I can't help but cry?

2011-09-07 10:51 pm
I'm normally a very together person, people usually refer to me as "unemotional" because I'm not comfortable being open about how I feel and showing how I feel.

Lately I've been feeling really down, especially about my weight. I used to be a size 8 a year ago and I went to buy some clothes the other day and I'm now a size 12. It's disgusting, I feel like a fat **** and just feel like lashing out. I get so angry when people comment on my weight but when certain people like my uncle says "oh yeah she'll come to dinner, there's food there haha" or "you should look more like your sister, the size 0 look" I can't tell him to **** off.

It hurts SO much, tears just stream down my face when they say things like that. My parents think I'm being a stupid idiot and are really not supportive or understanding, I'm the "unloved" child who is of no concern to them at the moment, just pushed to the side. I feel like **** and I'm really angry.

I've tried a lot of things to lose weight.
Healthy diets e.g 1500 - 1800 calories a day, drinking plenty of water and exercising.
Different diet plans

I have a history of starving myself when I had depression a few years ago and self-harm but nobody knows about this, I don't talk to people about my things cos nobody is supportive or understands. I just want to be alone and cry. I don't know why I'm like this, I need help.

回答 (30)

2017-03-15 7:31 pm
use meditation to help you cope with chronic stress which can lead you to crave feel good carbs
2016-05-19 5:27 pm
people who regularly weigh themselves and keep track of their progress in a journal are more likely to lose weight
2016-04-07 2:02 pm
Eat early in the day to lose moew weight
2016-03-31 6:04 pm
ride a bike built for two for 12
2016-03-25 1:37 am
make like a fish and swim at a leisurely pace for 17 minutes
2016-03-16 10:53 pm
drink 3 cups of green tea in 24 hours researchers say it can increase energy expenditure by 106 calories
2016-03-10 8:29 pm
try a pasta less spaghetti by mixing shredded zucchini veggie meatballs and raw tomato sauce seasoned with a dash of zesty oregano
2016-02-06 2:00 pm
if you re meeting a client for drinks suggest standing at the bar instead of sitting at a table
2015-12-18 12:01 am
think ahead to how youll eat and exercise on the weekends its easy to get too relaxed on saturdays and sundays but healthy living is a 7 day a week endeavor
2011-09-07 11:11 pm
wow i can really relate. my lil sister was the skinny ***** and i have always been the fat one. always.
i dont know how old you are but around 16 is when a girls body starts to fill out. your hips get bigger. its a fact of life. people have different body types and sizes. my sister is a bean pole and i got stuck with a"pear" shaped body. my advice is to love yourself no matter what shape or size you are. there is so much pressure on girls to fit into this barbie doll mold. no one realizes how damaging it can be.
i went thru the same things. depression. cutting. anorexia. all of that stuff made things worse. i realized i was falling into the perfection trap that sucks people in.
no matter what your weight is your beautiful. be proud of yourself. if thats the body that god gave you love it.
sometimes people dont realize that things they say can hurt really bad. i held alot of grudges against people in my family for a long time becaue they used to pick on me about my weight. finally one day i told them to quit. i broke down and told them how bad it made me feel when they said those things. i couldnt control how much i weighed. i tried dieting and exercise and nothing helped.
i would tell your parents that you want to go to counseling or go to your guidance counseler at school. holding all those feelings in will make you feel like your going crazy. you have to vent them some time. if you dont want to talk to someone try starting a journal. thats what helped me.
keep your chin up sweetie. things do get better.

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