Why have the British police become so weak and ineffective?

2011-09-06 12:55 pm
The recent riots in August confirmed what we all expected, the British police have become politically correct and weak, unable and unprepared to deal with high levels of thuggery and completely out of their depth.

There were scenes of police officers being chased up the street by gangs of yobs, the police had completely surrendered the streets to thugs and yobos.

In most countries the police are able to clear riots pretty quickly, but then again the police in most countries have access to water canons, tear gas and rubber bullets.

回答 (12)

2011-09-06 1:44 pm
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13yrs of Politically Correct dumbing down by the Labour government of 1997 - 2010, and by senior officers fast-tracked up the ranks straight after leaving University (so minimal real life experience).
2011-09-06 5:31 pm
To many do gooders and red tape preventing the police from doing their jobs properly, time it was changed.
2011-09-06 1:03 pm
too much PC and tolerance. Since Multicuturalism, this nation has gone down the drain. We've had to change our way for a new way, a way which promotes an alien culture counter to our old way of life. This was Multiculturalism gone wrong. Big time. Everyone could see this comming except for the brainwashed white majority.

It's also hefty to mention why the police are scared. The race card. Minorities are being so agressive with their abuse of their privelages they are stopping the police from doing their job. C****.
2016-10-16 7:12 pm
Agreed its not the persons themselves who run the police despite the undeniable fact that the total gadget that's defective. The police have lost a outstanding form of the authority because they have had it taken away with "human rights, being sued and health and protection". yet rooster the police can do something they do it good. for e.g. we were given broke right into a three hundred and sixty 5 days in the past, the police almost always were outstanding, forensics in the course of the abode, arrested guy interior an afternoon, interviewed followed up each and every of the leads, then at the same time as they took it to court docket threw it out on inconclusive info.
2016-06-04 3:25 pm
參考: Criminal Records Search Database - http://SearchVerifyInfo.com/?EeDM
2016-02-13 1:38 pm
Human rights is flooded in uk, the laws only protect criminals from getting punishment, as u can see uk abolished the death penalty, u won't be surprised that the cops aren't allowed to use force on those animals.
2011-09-06 4:02 pm
Because they rarely have to do that kind of thing/or bother to.

They spent all their time walking around the streets making sure people aren't underage drinking, or speeding etc. rather than doing anything useful. They have a certain amount of arrests they need to make, and its easier to stop kids getting drunk and smoking weed than it is to catch people that are actually a danger.

From 14 onwards I got stopped a good handful of times, and searched or scolded for any potential drinking I may do (I was once searched because I put a can of hairspray away, and the police fella thought i was trying to hide my non-existent alcohol from him)

They don't know how to deal with it because, for some reason, they don't expect it. We haven't had riots for a fair while, and they don't think we have anything to riot against so aren't prepared for it. And because we are so health & safety, politically correct, they can't do anything to risky to stop the riots incase one of the yobs squeals abuse.

Admittedly, the riots were done for stupid reasons, by idiot kids that just wanted a new HDTV or just to break some windows because thats how they get their kicks. But it could still have been handled better.
2011-09-06 2:45 pm
Funny how they lay into the Northern Irish with everything they have got. Of course that is not really part of the UK.
2011-09-06 1:52 pm
The riots WERE cleared pretty quickly - they just restarted again the following night, for a few days.

Subsequent investigations have led to thousands of arrests and hundreds of prosecutions.
2011-09-06 12:57 pm
because they are fat and eat crumpets and tea all day.
I don't think they really want to get into much action because some cops do find it pointless to run after a victim because some want to try to use their wits and tail them off and catch them from another angle but then they fail sometimes.

All cops are different,there's some really good cops in the U.S. but then there's some other cops who make it in the news for beating people to death.

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