1. Why 50Hz is the highest frequency? It doesn't state the no. of period in 0.01s, so isn't 50Hz the lowest frequency instead?
2. Why the ans is A but not C?
3. How to get the model answer? What's wrong with my ans?
4. For a stationary wave in a string with one end free to move, why the wavelength = 4L(L is the length of strong)? Why the frequency for '1.5' loops is 3fo (fo=fundamental frequency)?
5. In a diffraction grating experiment, why is it necessary to place the lamp several meters away from the grating?
6. The max. no. of order in a diffraction grating experiment is (slit separation/wavelength), can I apply this formula when calculating the max. no. of anti-nodal lines of other wave, e.g. water wave and sound wave? If yes, what is the assumption/criteria?
7. Is it correct to say that total internal reflection is a kind of refraction?
for3), like this? http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6200/6126034317_c44988e27a_z.jpg
for 4), why wave length = 4L but not 3L or 5 L? Why must it be 'half a loop'?