幫幫手將以下句子翻譯成英語 ? ^^ thx

2011-09-07 12:20 am
因為下個week 我就要去一間專係飲紅酒ga地方做part time , 但我需要一d好禮貌ga英語 , 我驚自己d英語唔夠禮貌 同埋先自己d英語麻麻地 , 希望各位幫幫手 ^^thx

1.請問飲d咩 ? 需唔需要一d茶或水
4.中意濃d定淡d , 或喜歡咩size ?(for 雪茄)
7.唔好意思 , 我唔係好明白你ga意思
8.你介唔介意轉一轉張枱 , 因為我地有幾個客人需要大枱 , 想麻煩你轉一轉出面d細枱?
9.請問你有沒有locker ? 請問幾多號?
10.唔好意思 , 我地要埋數 , 請問介唔介意埋左張單先 , 但閣下可以繼續坐到1點
11. sorry , 我地無咁多零錢 , 閣下介唔介質俾零組件我地 或 簽 visa or master?
15.唔好意思 ,我地無wine list ,你介唔介意跟我去酒櫃 , 挑選你要ga酒
16.需唔需要俾支紅酒透透氣 ?
17.散賣ga油我地只得(xxx) ,需要嗎
18.需唔需要加d冰 ?

大致上這樣 thxthx

回答 (3)

2011-09-07 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.請問飲d咩 ? 需唔需要一d茶或水
What would u like to drink? Do u need any tea or water?

Would u like to have another cup of tea?

Would u want to put your jacket aside?

4.中意濃d定淡d , 或喜歡咩size ?(for 雪茄)
What do u want your cigar to be like?

How many cups do u need?

U are welcome

7.唔好意思 , 我唔係好明白你ga意思
sorry, i don't know what u meant

8.你介唔介意轉一轉張枱 , 因為我地有幾個客人需要大枱 , 想麻煩你轉一轉出面d細枱?
As other guests need to have a big table, would u mind to change to anothe table?

9.請問你有沒有locker ? 請問幾多號?
Have u got any locker? May u tell me your number?

10.唔好意思 , 我地要埋數 , 請問介唔介意埋左張單先 , 但閣下可以繼續坐到1點
Sorry, we need to fix our bills, would u mind to foot the bill now? U can still enjoy yourselves here until 1 o'clock.

11. sorry , 我地無咁多零錢 , 閣下介唔介質俾零組件我地 或 簽 visa or master?
Sorry, we don't have much money for change, would u mind to pay it by visa card or credit card?

Do u want to put your cigar into this bag?

Do u want to foot the bill now?

Would u want tyour wine to be opened now?

15.唔好意思 ,我地無wine list ,你介唔介意跟我去酒櫃 , 挑選你要ga酒
Sorry, there's no menu, would u like come with me to the room and choose?

16.需唔需要俾支紅酒透透氣 ?
Do u need any wine?

17.散賣ga油我地只得(xxx) ,需要嗎
We've only got thaat oil xxx, do u need it?

18.需唔需要加d冰 ?
Do u want it on the rocks?
參考: english lover
2011-09-07 4:57 pm
倒酒出來, 注入透氣瓶, 英文是decant
打開瓶蓋, 讓瓶內的酒接觸空氣, 英文是breathe
2011-09-07 2:33 am
1. Does drinking d baa? D need Well take a tea or water
2. Do not need to be added tea
3 to be Well you need help hang-piece suit jacket?
4. Italian set light concentrated d d, or the like baa size? (For cigars)
5. To a few more red wine?
6. Wuxi polite
7. Do not attempt mean, I mean you agree better understand what you ga
8 Do not mind if you refer a turn sheet sets, because I need to have several large sets of guests, want to trouble you take a turn to come forward d small units?
9. Do you have locker? Ask how many number?
10. Do not attempt mean, I have to bury a few places, does not mind buried in the left-mediated one-Well first, but you can continue to sit 1 point
11. Sorry, I am in no Ganduo change, Do not you refer me to the media components to serve or to sign visa or master?
12. to be No need to help you earn will be d cigar loaded from the drainage bags of Aberdeen?
13. What you need to pay line microphone?
14. Well wine needs to be left open for you first?
15. Do not attempt meant to me no wine list, Do not mind if you refer me to the bar, pick your wine to ga
16. Do not need to be supported to serve red wine breathe?
17. Ga powder sold to the oil I had to (xxx), need to do
18. Plus d ice needs to be Well? 字典名詞 essenceextractdemondaemonfiendimportinbeingincubusinwardnesspythonvirtualitywhatness形容詞 finerefinedpreciseexcellentsmartskilledproficientexquisiteperfectseminalshrewdpickedrectifiedskillfulsharpsplendidskilfulpreparedshelled 按一下以檢視其他翻譯按住 Shift 鍵,以拖曳方式重新排序。►為翻譯評分對調語言範例:輸入「nihao」並按下空白鍵即可得到「你好」。

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