Christians how come you never question the teacher and ask why?

2011-09-06 4:10 am
not in a condemning way, but if your heart is hurting, and you are suffering with what Jesus has done to you, should you not wonder why and ask the teacher for comfort? Like when I first found out there was no marriage in heaven and you have to walk like the angels. I was heart broken unto the Lord to know I can not have my wife there. I had to seek and seek and seek about it and ask God why? He has shown me I can have a wife in heaven and on earth, but they can not not because they go their own way in the flesh and the lust of it, and only my ways live forever.

I can not think of anything really else that would hurt me by faith, but marriage. Why do you christians just smile and breed like cattle, to not even ask God why? just say THANK GOD I DO NOT GET TO LOOK AT THIS THING IN HEAVEN. To be like the angels YES with no marriage and sexless. There is got to be something better then this piece of worldly trash in heaven. It is like you hate your husband or wife to not ask God why??, and it causes you no suffering to know there is no marriage in heaven. Just licking your dead lips with the world.

I was talking about Jesus as the teacher not humans. GEESS PEOPLE...Go in prayer and ask the the teacher.

回答 (8)

2011-09-06 4:15 am
✔ 最佳答案

Out of idle curiosity, how exactly do you know what we (Christians) have done or questioned?

2011-09-06 11:12 am
Jesus never made me suffer. What is there to ask?
2011-09-06 11:14 am
I can't speak for everyone, but when I used to be Christian and I asked questions, I was called stupid, told I was going to hell, beaten and grounded.
參考: Not a fast enough learner
2011-09-06 11:24 am
When I was a Christian and was having major doubts, I asked a *lot* of questions to many people including clergy. Alas, I got no answers that actually answered my questions, and instead many fallacies, emotive arguments, and straight emotional pressure that I *should* believe.

As a result, I'm now an atheist.
2011-09-06 11:14 am

Ahhhh but you forget the other Promise.

"The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth" . Matthew 5:5.

2011-09-06 11:37 am
I used to go to a Catholic school and I asked why all the time. The teachers would give some answer that didn't seem relevant to the question so eventually I just gave up. It's pointless arguing with idiots.
2011-09-06 11:18 am
We don't ask why because we know the answer already.

And that is, the love of God.
2011-09-06 11:16 am
We suffer because of our bad choices, had we never sinned we would not have to had suffer God created a perfect world man messed it up by wanting to do it his way kind of like wanting to change the way things work in heaven?

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