What is justice today?

2011-09-05 1:05 pm
Do you think Osama bin Laden was dead, justice has been done? Is it justice? Is it worth to celebrate?

回答 (4)

2011-09-05 2:19 pm
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Yes I totally believe that Osama Bin Laden is dead, shot and killed by US Navy Seals... A job well done. Some justice has been done, we're relieved, and quite honestly... he deserved to die, for masterminding the attacks on 9/11. I celebrated when he died, just like him and his followers celebrated when they murdered 3000 Americans... One of the happiest days of my life since Saddam was hanged. There will NEVER be complete justice for the deaths of 9/11.
2011-09-05 9:09 pm
The word justice means kill a person ( no matter who he/she is) and then throw him/her in the ocean. They should put this in the dictionary.
2011-09-05 8:12 pm
There will never be justice for killing ;however,it puts the tragedy in a different place knowing the mastermind will no longer plot again.It's a celebration but a relief/
2011-09-05 8:21 pm
Do you know what justice is? If you do not know, ask your reason, for reason acts like an eye for man.
Osama maybe is not dead, we haven't got any reasonable prove.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:13:13
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