Is god a jealous one? The bible says not to kneel before other gods for he is a jealous god.?

2011-09-05 6:18 am
Why is he/she jealous if all the other gods are false? I have always questioned this. That's like me being jealous of non existant guys with nice rides and hot gf's. P.S I wonder how long this post will last until deleted by report monkeys who ironically don't evolve. Trolls.

回答 (12)

2011-09-05 6:19 am
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Evidently he is, but he's not real, so don't worry about it.
2011-09-05 1:20 pm
Jealous and gay.
2011-09-05 1:19 pm
God most certainly is jealous, plus he's demented and he sucks.
2011-09-05 1:23 pm
How would you feel if no one in the world believed in you ?
2011-09-05 1:19 pm
yes he is. Jealous in this aspect means he feels disrespected for you to not acknowledge HIM
2011-09-05 1:26 pm
Well, he makes it clear that other gods exist. Fundies who say they don't are calling him a liar.
2011-09-05 1:26 pm
Noooo there r no other gos so y wud u pray to them??
2011-09-05 1:25 pm
Jealous because He loves you!!

Wouldn't you be jealous if your spouse always dreams about making love to an imaginary lover.
2011-09-05 1:24 pm
Jealous and homicidal.
Also the demand for tribute in the form of sacrifices intended for the use of the priests and other ruling families.
Everything points to gods being creations of early totalitarians.
2011-09-05 1:22 pm
1.) the idea of this god is evil ,not perfect because he has petty human emotions. 2.)Jews used their god to control others.
2011-09-05 1:21 pm
Yep.Luckily he isn't real.If he is,I'll just worship the Greek Gods standing.
2011-09-05 1:29 pm
He means that he only wants you to serve and worship him. Example: Let say you are trying to teach a class of 1st graders. You are trying to teach them the Alphabets and Numbers. Day after day you see that your softness and kindness is getting know where. You had a great Aunt, whom you loved and protected who ran away from home as a child and never learned how to read or write. You can see into the future of these kids lives, and they keep looking out the window and day dreaming. You tell them that you are a Jealous Teacher. You want them to have a good education. Why look out the window and become distracted and spaced out when you are their only hope of getting an education? You are Jealous of their distraction because you see the outcome.
參考: Jealous

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