In my opinion, We misunderstand Babel tower.?

2011-09-05 6:14 am
This is my opinion to Babel tower.

"Philosophy need a grave, words."

There is only one thing that requires to know about the universe. IT IS A WORD. *you can feel it with my first youtube.

Not even a magnifying glass is required.


Unfortunately, contemporary word has been contaminated extremely severely by human being these days.

I want to say : it was a babel-shock.

Like this ...
American has more babel-shock than American indian.
Politician has more babel-shock than citizen.
Unstable society has more babel-shock than stable society, etc.

@ Ray No. @ God sees No. I just made a new word. BABEL-SHOCK for us. @ Emmanuel They were not idiot.


In my opinion, CERN's ring is today's babel tower.

回答 (9)

2011-09-05 6:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Babel Tower simply means that no man could reach Heaven with his mortal body made out of Earth. Only the immortal body of man, his soul, the breath of God is destined to enter Heaven, the spiritual world of God.
2011-09-05 6:20 am
WOW. There really is no limit to BS.
2011-09-05 6:21 am
Are you just babbling?
2011-09-05 6:21 am
You're a babel-shock.
2011-09-05 6:21 am
2011-09-05 6:19 am
2011-09-05 6:17 am
2011-09-05 6:17 am
2011-09-05 6:17 am

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