If masturbation is a sin then why does my member fit so well in my hands?

2011-09-05 5:25 am

回答 (28)

2011-09-05 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because you a sexual pervert, who believes it is Mother thumb and her four daughters, that are slapping Baldy around.
2011-09-05 5:25 am
It was designed that way. Like the banana.
2011-09-05 5:26 am
Seems like it was intelligently designed for 3 fingers
2011-09-05 5:26 am
I wish someone would use this as a rebuttal to Ray Comfort using their own member and hand in a live debate.
2011-09-05 5:29 am
So does my gun but it's not always beneficial to use it !
2011-09-05 5:26 am
Because you have been peeing all your life.
2011-09-05 5:26 am
Why, its as if it was DESIGNED just for that purpose, lmao!!!!
2011-09-05 5:26 am
And why is your hand so closely placed to your member?
2011-09-05 5:26 am
Yours fit in my hands too.
2011-09-07 1:46 pm
LMAO!!! Nice Ray Comfort reference!
2011-09-05 5:55 am
2011-09-05 5:38 am
Strangely enough, some of the very same people who insist that, because many cultures around the world have stories of a great Flood, it proves that God just naturally wants us to believe the story of Noah...
are the same people who would NEVER think to insist that, because because many cultures around the world have hands that fit their members, it proves that God just naturally wants us to masturbate.
2011-09-05 5:37 am
look mommy, BOTH HANDS!
2011-09-05 5:36 am
And where, exactly, does it say that masturbation is a sin? Personally, I think that seminal spray is how God put all the stars in the sky. (Its certainly easier than placing them by hand).
2011-09-05 5:34 am
A gun fits well in your hands. It does not mean you can just shoot any one. You must be too proud of your member.
2011-09-05 5:32 am
This is not a question for the R&S section. God is against this sort of thing.
2011-09-05 5:32 am
You have a small member?
2011-09-05 5:32 am
I have wondered the same thing and, considering how flexible I am, about auto-fellatio. Clearly if god didn't intend this, he wouldn't have made us this way. It may even disprove evolution.
2011-09-05 5:28 am
Mine fits in 2 fingers........ CHECKMATE!
2011-09-05 5:27 am
Uhh, because you have abnormally small hands?
2011-09-05 5:27 am
cant explain that.
2011-09-05 5:26 am
nothing wrong with a little some-something ;)
2011-09-05 5:25 am
2011-09-05 5:28 am
Because you have a small wiener.
2011-09-05 5:28 am
thats an evolutionary adapation to stop the weak from copulating with real women
2011-09-05 5:28 am
Dont get crazy about me.
2011-09-05 5:27 am
"Sin" is one opinion.
2011-09-05 5:26 am
The same reason a banana fits so well in your hands! Got meant it that way.

Herp derp I'm Ray Comfort and I don't know that bananas actually didn't start out looking like they do now.

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