Christians, I need your opinions on the below Bible verse.?

2011-09-05 4:55 am
The Bible teaches us that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. I know a lot of Americans don't consider themselves rich these days but they are indeed "rich" by world standard. So, do you think God's definition of "the rich man" does not necessarily have to be a billionarie or even a millionaire?

回答 (11)

2011-09-05 5:05 am
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I could use, and have seen a lot of verses that would be used in an attempt to discourage me. But my faith isn't based on me.

My faith is based on God who made promises. So whether anyone considered me rich (actually I'm homeless), or not, I know it's not a fulfillment of me being in some way unworthy. If that's what it took to take me down a peg or two, then I guess I would feel the burn. But my pride is being dealt with by God, because He cares for me. I think the point of that teaching you are presenting is those who trust in their riches to get them out of trouble. Of course they are going to use their money, anyone would, and by being able to do so, the issue of claiming a promise from God just never comes up. So, to quote another verse, without faith (or the need for it), it is impossible to please God.
2011-09-05 4:58 am
That verse is not saying that it is bad to have money or to be rich.

It warns against placing that before God.

Oh, and as a side note, the eye of the needle was actually a pedestrian gate, and the reason He said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God is because it would be a VERY tight fit for a camel to get through that gate as it was very narrow, and the rich are more often than not, more concerned with their riches than anything else.
2011-09-05 4:59 am
You are right. It's not necessarily being a millionaire and above, but the attitude one has towards wealth and possessions. In that example, the young wealthy man was unable to put God's kingdom and righteousness first above all that he had physically. In other words, he could not surrender all that he was and had to God.
2011-09-05 5:04 am
That is saying that rich unbelievers might find riches to be a stumbling block to faith. But a rich believer in Jesus Christ for salvation, goes to heaven, since believing in Jesus (who is God Himself) for salvation, means going to heaven.
2011-09-05 4:59 am
It means that it is hard for us to give up junk in our life for the real thing. Whatever we have here ( money, material possessions etc. ) we cannot take with us.
2011-09-05 4:59 am
I think that verse means that a poor man has an easier path of God because he wants to go to heaven
. On the other hand rich people have there heaven here and can get away with stuff.
So it is easier for a poor man to follow God rather than a rich man follow God instead
of his riches on Earth.
2016-11-07 1:50 pm
"the place in this financial ruin does it say that christians would desire to %. some instructions to be metaphors and a few to be literal?" Jesus did no longer play concepts video games. Metaphors hardly exist interior the bible. If God meant for there to be metaphors, then he's a fool. how many solutions can accomodate for a metaphor? Many. people say, "it is basically a metaphor" via fact they like to justify their own strikes. "turn the the different cheek" is a metaphor just to justify beating the different guy or woman up. So called, 'Christians' are people too. they'll attempt to justify specific strikes they think of are maximum suitable interior of their own heart and nevertheless attempt to maintain their sturdy ethical experience. Your extra information asks an rather sturdy question. There are no verses that state such, meaning, there are no metaphors. Heck, a number of the 12 apostles have been stoned and crucified themselves. If one among those verse replaced into basically a metaphor, they could have defended themselves. Edit - and likely, a punch to the face is basically an insult, this is not life threatening. there is not any verse that sais "If somebody shoots you interior the main suitable arm, turn on your left arm" Then Jesus asked them, "when I despatched you without handbag, bag or sandals, did you lack something?" "no longer something," they replied. He mentioned to them, "yet now in case you have a handbag, take it, and likewise a bag; and in case you haven't any longer have been given a sword, sell your cloak and purchase one. that's written: `And he replaced into numbered with the transgressors' ; and that i enable you recognize that this would desire to be fulfilled in me. sure, what's written approximately me is reaching its fulfillment." The disciples mentioned, "See, Lord, indexed under are 2 swords." "it is adequate," he replied. (Luke 22:35-38, NIV)
2011-09-05 5:11 am
The ' rich man' in this story, is one who cherishes money above all other gifts, or blessings in his life.. Money is above family, reputation, health, food resources, good crops......etc.

It is not about how much money you have ( or do not have ) but about the importance that it takes above all else that you might have.
2011-09-05 5:04 am
I don't think it has all that much to do with money or how much money a man has. I think it has more to do with how the money defines the man. Greedy and self-centered or generous and caring, etc.
2011-09-05 5:00 am
When our possessions become more important than the Lord.
And we are not blessing others by what we have. Is
what the verse is talking about. (greed)
You can be greedy even if you don't have much.

God bless you :)
2011-09-05 5:04 am
Sounds hot.

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