
2011-09-04 10:25 pm
我知道Cir.Motion係向心淨力同埋tangential velcity既結合結果,,,

回答 (3)

2011-09-05 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Without looking at the original sentence, I could only give the following answer.

By circular motion, if you limit yourself to a "perfect circle", then a centripetal force (note that centripetal force must be a net-force) cannot ensure that the object is moving in a circle. An object moves in a circular path when acted by a centripetal force if and only if the speed of the object is constant.

An object could have tangential accleration when there is a tangetnial force acting. Under such acceleration, the resultant motion of the object would not be in a circle.
2011-09-07 8:35 am
If that NET force is always tangent to the motion of the object, and it's value is constant, it must be in a circular motion.
參考: myself
2011-09-07 4:12 am
其實向心淨力係可以出現唔夠 的情況, 即係個物件會愈轉愈開 ( 但不代表佢冇
向心力) 亦即係個path唔會係圓

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