I'm 5' 4 and 9 st 2 - I feel fat and disgusting.?

2011-09-03 8:41 pm
I used to be a size 8 top and bottom and at the moment I'm size 8 top but my bottom is a 12.
My measurements are 32 - 29 - 41 I feel so fat and depressed about my body, I cried when trying on clothes today. I can't even look in the mirror. I don't eat excessively and do try to eat right as much as the next person. I dunno what to do, I feel like a fat ****.

回答 (3)

2011-09-04 9:08 pm
in my opinion you have an extremely sexy body! I really love a feminine pear-shaped body like yours with tiny waist, wide hips and big butt, definitely amazing waist-to-hip ratio! hope to see pics.

answer plz http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AhWc56vehez9E4H4dagJhP_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110829162213AAXPcpc
2011-09-03 9:12 pm
You are fine for your height, at 5'4 there's no need to be a size 8. You can be perfectly healthy at a size 12 and look hot too. Your measurements are really similar to a friend of mine, we had to do our measurements a little while ago for fancy dress outfits and she is also the same height as you. She is really slim, in fact people tell her she's a little too thin.

Life isn't about being skinny and it's certainly not skinniness that makes you attractive. The hottest girls are the ones who are healthy both physically and mentally, by that I mean comfortable in their bodies and not obsessed with diets and food.
2011-09-03 8:43 pm
Cut of bread and sugar.
Eat less and more often.
Life is short it is not about food.
It is about love and your relationships in your life.
Be happy to be alive and grateful to God.
參考: Experience in life.

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