Why are British riot police so ineffective?

2011-09-02 10:49 pm
British riot police seem to loose control of just about major riot they try and police.

Earlier in the year during the Student protests the police lost control and allowed a bunch of middle class university students to break through police lines and smash into the Conservative Party HQ.

And more recently during the riots in early August the police once again surrendered the streets to thugs and were actually being chased down the street by rioters.

Why has this happened? Are we employing the wrong sort of people to be policemen? Perhaps new police recruits need to be a bit tougher so they can actually deal with the sort of scum they're supposed to be controlling.

回答 (9)

2011-09-02 10:56 pm
Maybe the conservatives should stop cutting the funding to the police. In fact the *anything* should stop cutting funding to the police.

I would never EVER behave the way that they did, and I am more supportive of the liberal side.
I do have pride, but I still condemn the conservatives. I would rather people see me like them than a conservative control freak, that is even worse still.

But I always have my pride, and so I will always not be evil or abusive like a conservative or like them rioters.

2011-09-03 3:21 pm
The British justice system is too soft and gentle and yet it is unfair.
2011-09-03 2:06 am
The simple answer is that those were not riot police earlier in the year, and the demonstrations were not primarily riots, they were organised with the help of the main opposition party.

There are riot units, the "TSG". They are rumoured to be well worth keeping out of the way of if you see some sort of trouble starting, as they jump out of vans in a bad mood and are very unsympathetic men.

2016-02-13 1:53 pm
liberalsim, the laws protect the criminals from getting punished and the victims will always be jailed, the same goes to the officers of tsg, they arent allowed to use force
2011-09-03 8:10 pm
They don't really get a lot of practice. The best UK police force for riot control was the RUC in Northern Ireland. Unfortunately not any more. If the RUC had been there during the riots they wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes. Most of the rioters would have been running home to mummy crying.
2011-09-03 2:29 pm
Nothing to do with them not being tough enough as individuals more of a case of them having their hands tied together in bureaucracy and red tape and trying not to offend than many do gooders who blight this society.
2011-09-03 10:47 am
Guiri: Bernie Grant died in April 2000 - why are you quoting what he said about the riots 26 years ago as if it was said last month? A bit misleading, perhaps?
2011-09-03 7:47 am
"The youths around here believe the police were to blame for what happened on Sunday and what they got was a bloody good hiding." Bernie Grant LABOUR MP for Tottenham.

Nothing changes with the London police.

Many people believe that they stood back as a protest against financial cuts to the police and against the government. Anyway, nobody important got hurt.
2011-09-02 11:30 pm
Luddite is right. We don't have special riot police.

Unfortunately, if they use more robust methods of crowd control, the bleeding hearts all call for their heads to roll.

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